Thursday, October 16, 2008

{Make it Quick} Roasted Halibut with Sage

I have a nice little herb garden, and for some reason I tend to neglect using the sage. This year I've been cooking with it a lot more, which is great because my husband and I both love sage's flavor. So much so that now sage has become one of my culinary obsessions.

On Tuesday I bought some halibut (which sadly is about to go out of season). I visited with my friend Google to look for a recipe combining halibut and sage. I ended up with this recipe for Roasted Halibut with Sage, from a fish blog called "Beyond Salmon."

Sorry for this dismal picture - dinner was late and I had two seconds to shoot something!
cook's notes

-The recipe calls for duck fat, but allows for a butter substitution for those of us pathetic cooks who don't have a ready supply of duck fat in the fridge. I used olive oil for the first step and butter for the finishing of the sauce.

- I didn't have any pan juices after taking the fish out of the oven, but just put the butter and wine in the dry pan and smooshed the sage around in it.

- My fish pieces broke when I was trying to transfer them out of the pan.

- Cod, monkfish, or striped bass can be used in place of the halibut.

the verdict

This was a simple, quick, and delicious way to prepare halibut AND to use some of my homegrown sage. My husband and I both loved it. The subtle taste of the fish was front and center complemented nicely by the sage/wine/butter/salt/pepper.


Anonymous said...

This looke SO good. I LOVE fish and sometimes don't know how to cook anything other than tilapia and salmon. Thanks for sharing! BTW: love this pic of your girls washing dishes is priceless!

Cathy said...

Oh my word -- I don't think your picture is dismal at all! It totally makes me want to make this dish. I have actually been looking for recipes that call for duck fat so that I can use up the stash leftover from my last hunt. But I'm glad to hear that olive oil is a suitable substitute, just in case. :-)

Steph said...

That looks amazing! You should see what happens when we cook fish at our house, sometimes it looks more like canned fished because it's fallen a part so much during flipping. By the way, I saw your post on twd.. what recipe is your go to for pumpkin muffins?

Lisa magicsprinkles said...

What!? You don't have any duck fat laying around? For shame. :)
Do you happen to know what variety of sage that is? It's very pretty. Mine seems to be more furry and is a monotone grey-green, and like you expressed, I need to cook more with it.

Nancy/n.o.e said...

Steph, here is a link to an article that contains my favorite pumpkin bread recipe:
The recipe is kind of buried in there. I found it at least 15 years ago in anther NYTimes article. It's really moist and dense and makes a ton. I'm going to do a taste test with a woman in my book group of pumpkin bread and possibly pumpkin muffins (I'll make Dorie's)!

Lisa, mine is Golden Sage, although I have grown the gray kind also. Here's a link:


Audrey said...

I think it's great to have fresh herbs and to obsess about them. It's harder to keep them growing in pots on a windowsill but I had gorgeous thyme and rosemary plants that I picked from all summer. Your pumpkin bread recipe (I peeked) sounds a lot like mine, except for the yogurt, but now I also want a properly brewed pot of tea ...

Mary Ann said...

This looks fab! I am lucky in that my family loves fish, so this would go over great at our house.

TeaLady said...

Fish is one my favorites and I am always looking for new ways to fix. Thanks for this one. Please stop by and visit my site, I left an award for you.