
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

{TWD} Button, Button, Who's Got the Peanut Butter Brownie Button?

Continuing with 1-Sentence-Blog-Post-Week, I will say (in one run-on sentence) that despite rave reviews from many other Tuesdays With Dorie bakers, something went very wrong with my Brownie Buttons (chosen for us this week by Jayma of Two Scientists Experimenting in the Kitchen, find the recipe on her post) and the butter-laden batter that bubbled greasily around the edges as it baked somehow turned into dry-tasting brownies that were improved but not redeemed by two different peanut-butter toppings; of my 24 Buttons (see? they're buttons!) 12 were frosted with Ina Garten's yummy peanut butter frosting and 12 were baked with peanut butter inside, then iced with delicious chocolate peanut butter ganache (peanut butter stirred into Sweet Melissa's semi-sweet ganache from my freezer) and I was left with a strong temptation to lick off the frosting(s) and leave the brownie!


  1. Genius idea to actually make them look like buttons - I can't get over how cute they are! Ina's peanut butter frosting is one my favorite frosting choices ever and since I liked the brownie buttons, I'll definitely make them again with that topping. Sorry they weren't a hit for you.

  2. Um.... who doesn't like PB&C? What a great way to "stuff" a brownie. I'll have to get Ina's peanut frosting recipe - I"m sure I"ll find a use for it somehow! These turned out great Nancy! Creative, unique and extremely delicious-looking. I give you an "A"!

  3. Love the run-on sentence!
    Also, you're brownies look super cute (um, as a button)- too bad they weren't quite what you were looking for.

  4. How cute are those brownies! That may be the longest sentence ever! ;-)

  5. Now that is a sentence! LOL
    Even if they don't taste the way you'd like, they are really cute to look at!

  6. Love the look of your buttons!--Sorry to hear that they weren't as good as you hoped, though the peanut butter sounds like a great addition.

  7. I added some pb to some of mine too! Sorry they got to dry for you. Looks adorable

  8. now that's quite a mouthful! and looks fantastic as well. Best I've seen so far!

  9. They look great! Now I want some peanut butter icing.

  10. Adorable, adorable, adorable. The PB frosting sounds so good!

  11. Very cute! I've made these before and they were just so so for me!

  12. Cute as a button and love the smileyone at the end. Next time I add PB!!

  13. Real buttons, good idea, although your weren't 100 % satisfied.

    Ulrike @ Küchenlatein

  14. Love the buttons...and girl, that is one run on sentence for sure! If you decide to do this again in the future, count me in! :)

  15. I really liked the brownies, but boy, they would have been even better with the peanut butter frosting (or baked with peanut butter in the middle - HELLO!!) I don't know if I'll make these again simply because the mini muffin pan is kind of a pain to clean, especially when there are so many other good brownies out there. Yours look great! Love your sentence!

  16. They look so delicious! I love the pb idea and also the 1 sentence thingie. Too bad the brownies weren't fab. I love Ina's pb frosting though.

  17. I topped mine with peanut butter frosting, too! But you went the extra mile by 1) offering a variation with peanut butter inside and chocolate ganache on top (yum!); 2) making your buttons look like real buttons; and 3) summarizing the experience in one sentence!

  18. I've got to try that PB frosting. It sounds delicious. I like the way you decorated the buttons. Too bad you didn't like the brownie part (I only baked my 8x8 for 10 to 11 minutes.)

    Great sentence!

  19. cute cute little buttons! :) Bummer that they were not completely reseemed by the peanut butter. :(

  20. I had the same odd issue with mine and the bubbling butter. Your buttons look adorable, though!

  21. Your button brownie buttons look soo cute, especially the last one which looks like it's smiling!
    Sorry it didn't turn out for you but they look delicious!

  22. That's just adorable! If I do these again, I might have to use your pb tricks.

  23. To cute for words.

    I love how you frosted them.

    I frosted mine too.

  24. Sorry you didn't like these, they do look cute though, love that you actually made them look like buttons.

  25. I'm jist going to pretend that these taste as wonderful as they look, OK? I love your button decoration, and that bottom picture, with the little bit - that's priceless! :)

  26. Oh how WONDERFUL... a stuffing and the cute buttons on top!!! Perfect!!

  27. Now, that is one impressive sentence! Ina's PB frosting sounds like a perfect topping for these brownies.

  28. Great photos, the buttons are adorable! I'll have to find an excuse to make that peanut butter frosting, not for these brownie buttons, though.

  29. They are so adorable!
    I’m sorry you didn’t love these.

  30. Cute buttons! Mine were a little dry too. But the toppings definitely help. Great idea for peanut butter!

  31. your brownies are the cutest ones i've seen. seriously. and that PB frosting is a nice touch...but, yeah, i wasn't a huge fan of the brownie part...

  32. i like your pb-licious brownies, but i am loving your one sentence thing...who needs full-page descriptions of a tiny brownie anyway?

  33. Cute! Too bad they weren't that great, they sure look like they have potential. Good ideas, all.

  34. When I first saw your paragraph I was about to call out CHEATER but doggone it you actually made it one sentence! *bowing down to the breviloquent masta* Bummer you weren't a fan of the brownies. But I bet that PB frosting was killer!

  35. Oh, man, peanut butter filled! I wasn't wild about the brownie part either, but I am quite inspired by your peanut butter twist.

  36. Well they look delicious, even if they disappointed... I didn't love these either. My batter was also really greasy, though my brownies didn't end up dry. Just a little blah.

  37. These were fun to try, but I didn't like getting them out of the pan. I'd rather bake a pan of brownies--which can still be cut button size. ;)
    Love the peanut butter addition and your one sentence blogging! I need a practice in that.

  38. I love those little buttons!! So cute. These were just okay for me, but not the best by any means.

  39. Your buttons are adorable! That frosting is my favorite. Combining Ina and Dorie, whew! We'll need new pants buttons! :)
