
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stir Fried Tofu

My daughter J.D.E. found this easy recipe for Stir-Fried Tofu in Mark Bittman's big red book How to Cook Everything (it's also in his big green How to Cook Everything Vegetarian and online); we loved the flavors - and the wonderful smell as it cooked! - but found ourselves wishing for some kind of crunchy texture (cashews or peanuts would be great as Bittman suggests in the variations) and a bit more spicy heat, so we'd also add the optional chiles (or red pepper flakes).


  1. Nancy, this actually looks really good, and I'm 100% terrified of tofu. How cliche is that? I've just heard horror stories -- are they true? At any rate, the stir fry sounds like it has a really great flavor, and I bet adding cashews would make it even better.

  2. Looks delish - love stirfry, but have never used tofu.

  3. I love tofu! What a great recipe. I am going to have to make this.

  4. It looks sounds convincing...tofu is one of those things I have never played around with, so maybe it is time as these photos make it all look delicious.

  5. I think I've made this one before or another similar tofu recipe out of HTCEV. I think I made it for a vegetarian pot pie.

    Your tofu is perfectly browned!

  6. Those look like nice little cubes of french toast. Yes, THAT'S what they are. I need to venture into tofu... haven't quite crossed that border yet! Looks delicious Nancy! Course, you can make wheat grass kernels with dehydrated onion skins look appetizing!

  7. I think this looks really appetizing. Love stir fries and the tofu looks so yummy.

  8. Regretfully, although this actually looks quite delicious, it has tofu in it, and I just can't go there; if I could, I'd probably be so healthy and my brain would be so much more agile that reading all these one-sentence blog posts knowing I can't get out my editorial blue pencil probably wouldn't bother me at ALL.

  9. Nancy I have never known how to cook tofu and it scares me for some reason! I imagine it as a rubbery tasteless creation. This may change my mind seeing how delicious yours looks!!

  10. Oh please add the peanuts and a little chili pepper and I'd love to come for a bowl!

  11. I love tofu, and this recipe is already bookmarked! I will try it with peanuts and chilli, that sounds so great!

  12. I've never tried tofu (and to be honest, haven't ever really had a desire to), but this dish looks really good! The flavors just sound so yummy and the tofu looks like it's browned so well.
