
Thursday, April 23, 2009

French Green Lentils with Sausages

OK, I know that we're well into Spring. And food bloggers everywhere are posting wonderful seasonal dishes, featuring things like fresh green peas, strawberries, and asparagus. But here at The Dogs Eat the Crumbs Headquarters, we operate a little differently. Namely with a severe posting backlog. Say, a 50+ post backlog. There are a bunch of things that I've cooked that I either need to post out of season or hold until the appropriate season comes back around. I'm doing my share of carrying over posts (one for summer squash has been in the "drafts" collection since, well, last summer, and I have some Christmas posts that may have to wait until the next time the holidays roll around). But I've got a recipe or two for dried beans/lentils that are are likely to sneak their way into this blog in the very near future. Pantry staples are seasonless, right? Plus, the recipes are just too yummy to wait!

From the minute I saw this recipe for Sausages with French Green Lentils on the Saveur website, I knew I would have to make the dish. Although the French make this recipe with a traditional French pork sausage (read: "hard to find"), Saveur assures us that sweet Italian sausage is a fine substitute. I ordered some fresh sweet pork sausage from the farm box, and picked up some green lentils at Whole Foods. Finally I had the ingredients in place!

This was a difficult dish to photograph, especially since we were hungry and ready to eat it!
n.o.e.'s notes:

- I increased the recipe because I had 1 lb of lentils and the recipe calls for 12 oz.

- The Farm Box sausage turned out to be a very mildly seasoned sausage.

the verdict:

The subtle and perfectly balanced flavors of this dish surpassed my very high expectations, and won highest ratings from my husband. Although we typically love our food good and spicy, the mild nature of this sausage paired perfectly with the sublime seasoning of the lentils.

I loved this so much that when we were done eating I had the strongest feeling that I needed to call someone or email, or, heck even shout from the rooftop to say: "People, you HAVE to make this dish!" The lentils are cooked and seasoned perfectly. They do pair well with the sausage, but could easily stand on their own. Oh, and the leftovers were delicious - and they freeze well.

So, here's the deal. If you like lentils at all, do yourself a favor and try this dish. If you've ever wondered about lentils, this is the recipe to start with. If sausages are not your thing, you can (and should) still make the lentils. If you like things a bit spicier, you could pair the lentils with other sausages or meat. Hmm, what else? If you don't think you'll make lentils until cold weather returns, bookmark this recipe and make it later! You will thank me.


  1. That sounds delicious and while I support cooking seasonally, I agree with you - it doesn't apply to pantry staples. This seems like it would be a great weeknight meal, and since it has sausage, I can probably get my boyfriend to eat it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have wondered about lentils. I'm not the biggest fan of dried legumes but I know that I've eaten lentils in the past and been ok with them. I've been pondering making them part of my "baby steps to liking beans" program. I will definitely remember this recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Since lentils are always on my happy to cook list. I'll have to give this a try. I figure lentils are always in season ;o)

  4. I think I heard you when you shouted! I'm not sure I've ever eaten lentils....and I don't have a posting backlog, but I do have a pantry backlog as you know. So it will be fun to see our efforts to cook and post our way out!

  5. I'm not a huge fan of lentils but my boyfriend is. And since I really like sausage this is a meal I'd be happy to make for him. As for what to eat when, if you crave it (and have it) make it! You make the rules.

  6. I love lentils. All types. No matter the season. :P This dish sounds delicious. Thank you for going through your backlog and posting this recipe.

  7. Looks like a great dish, we do like our lentils here.
    I envy your farm box, we don't have any good programs like that here.

  8. Dear Nancy I still have some sicilian and some castelluccio lentils so...I'll make them ! I even enjoied Tyler Florence recipe I made a while ago but definitely I'll try your recipe !! You know in Italy it's a tradion to eat lentils at midnight on new year : they bring money (they say)

  9. It looks like such great tummy-warming food!

  10. I guess food blogs kind of function as a modern day rooftop, don't they? I hear you loud and clear, and I will definitely make this. I think this is very much a dish for all seasons. I can tell you already that my problem will be finding green lentils - or maybe it was red lentils that our Whole Foods didn't have when I last looked for them. But I will most definitely be making this soon, even if I have to use the wrong color lentils. This sounds wonderful!

  11. Mmm, I love sausage and I love lentils!! This is like the perfect meal for me. Thanks for sneaking me your info, Nancy! I will definitely do my best to get in touch while I'm in Atlanta. I'm not quite sure what the family has up its sleeves for my sister's graduation (my parents are divorced, and coordinating plans/events is always quite an adventure, to put it nicely). I'm so excited that you're in the Atlanta area!!

  12. I keep trying to like lentils, but it just isn't happening.
