
Friday, April 24, 2009

200 Posts, a King Arthur Giveaway, and Some Fun Links!

If you know my blog, you know that in any given post there's likely to be some math lurking somewhere, ready to pounce on you and make you scream or break out in a cold sweat. So, I'll just cut to the chase and give some numbers and calculations right here at the front end, but there are some rewards here too!

(a) - This is my 200th post.

(b) - I've been blogging just over 40 weeks, so that works out to a steady rate of just under 5 posts per week.

(c) - I will give one of you lucky readers a gift certificate to King Arthur Flour., in an amount equal to one dime per blog post since the inception of The Dogs Eat the Crumbs - yep, that's $20.00 for you to spend on anything King Arthur sells. My blog has spent a bunch of time lately exploring yeast recipes, and I'll credit King Arthur with getting me started with bread baking - with some delicious and easy recipes, and with ingredients and equipment to ensure success. But you don't have to bake with yeast to love King Arthur! They have a cool print catalog and an online version - including the latest sale items. You could choose one (or more) pieces of bakeware (the bake-and-give disposable pans are very cool) or an assortment of ingredients, or a few fun gadgets!

There is nothing tricky about this giveaway. No hoops to jump through or stories to recount. No math whatsoever! Just leave me a comment before 11:00 PM EDT, May 1, 2009. Include your name and a way to contact you (a blog url or an email address). I'll assign one entry for each different person who comments, and will use a random number generator to come up with a winner. I have an actual gift card that I can mail to you, but - and here's the best part - you can start using the certificate immediately after winning - once I email you the certificate number!

OK, so when I figured the amount of this gift certificate, I though it was cool that a dime for each blog post equals $20.00. Of course, being me, there were a few more calculations. What if I got paid by the post? Hmm, a dollar per post - I'd have $200 in my pocket. $5 per post would leave me $1000 richer. Wow, what if I were to get an hourly wage for my blogging time? Given how much time I've sunk into writing 200 posts, that would be real money! Which sort of brings the question of "opportunity cost" (and "waste of time") into sharp focus...

Well, while I'm on the subject of wasting time, just in case you are looking for some food-related sites to explore, here are some of the ones that I've found interesting lately:

---The 50 best British recipes, as solicited by the Guardian:
Simple recipes
Medium recipes
Difficult recipes

---The oh-so-talented baker Rose Levy Berenbaum was commissioned by epicurious to write an article called "how to cook - bread"

---The Times Online lists the Top 10 Blogs for Home Cooks.

---Check out "blogs with bite" - a semiregular listing of really interesting food blogs. Here are the last 3 editions:


---Here's a cool link to 39 recipes by Suzanne Goin

--- Saveur has a fascinating glimpse of what cookbooks are on the shelves of professional chefs.

Cookie dough makes us happy!


  1. Nancy,
    Your blog makes me happy!
    Congratulations on your 200th post...can't wait to read the next 200.

  2. Hi Nancy, This post is so fun-cute dog pictures! I love hearing about your calculations and the things you do to make a recipe a bit more healthy. I was researching pie the other day and re-read your posts about drinking with your daughter while baking the Thanksgiving Twofer Pie and the unfortunate flavored oil incident with the French Pear Tart. Thanks for all the laughs! I'm looking forward to the next 200 posts.

  3. Wow! 200 posts. It seems like yesterday I was congratulating you on 100 posts! Your dog is gorgeous.

  4. WoW!!! 200 posts. I AM IMPRESSED. And every single post is a joy to read. So much fun, tips, recipes, and laughter. I look forward to the next 200 (or more please). Thanks for your blog!

  5. Congrats on your 200th post Nancy! That's wonderful :) I've only recently discovered your blog but so glad that I have! Here's to another 200! Oh, and your dog is the cutest!

  6. YAY!!! Happy 200 posts. I'm totally impressed. You're going at quite a steady rate. I'm loving every single post you put up! Your blog is amazing. Here's hundreds upon hundreds more posts. (And I love your math :) ).

  7. I love KA. and dogs. so this is going very well.

  8. Awww, congratulations on your 200th post, Nancy! Your blog was one of the first blogs that I started reading, I noticed it because I loved the name, and one of the reasons why I wanted to start a blog myself. I love the picture of your dog and the picture of the cookie dough, too. Can't wait to read the next 200 posts!

  9. Congrats on Post #200! Never calculate the cost of ingredients you use + time spent blogging--that one makes me cry! ;-)

  10. Dear Nancy I wanted to congratulate you for all your work ! an for the beautiful dogs ! Count me out though because I don't think I could use the prize !!

  11. Congrats on 200! You and your blog are awesome!!!

  12. Happy 200th post! What a great giveaway, King Arthur and I go way back!

  13. Congratulations on 200 posts, Nancy! I feel like you were just on your 100th -- I guess time flies when you're reading great blog posts! I don't believe that you will use the random integer generator to pick your winner, though - you probably have some differential equation floating around in your head that you'll figure out next time you're mixing up some yeast bread. The picture of your pup is so awesome - I would want to blow it up huge and hang it over the mantel.

    Here's to the next 200 -- your blog is superb, and I have learned so much about cooking and baking from you. Thanks!

  14. Hehehehe. Everyone is a geek about something. Congrats on 200 posts!

  15. Ha, I took 2 of those pictures! Congrats on hitting 200 posts! Can't wait until I can visit ATL again to sample some home cooking...

  16. A huge congratulations to you! Here's to many, many more posts. Keep it up!

    Casual Kitchen

  17. Waste of time . . . I know how you're thinking but I'm hoping it's keeping my mind learning ;o)
    Congrats on the 200!

  18. 200 Posts? It seems like you've been doing this fore much longer - meaning that you are such a pro!

    Congrats - and since you've been doing so much bread baking lately, can you help me with rye bread? As in a really good recipe?

  19. Congratulations! That is a lot of posts!! And I loved everyone! You probably know this already but you could get paid by becoming a Foodbuzz featured publisher. The money I'm making is buying my groceries. Not too shabby considering the inflating price of food.

  20. Congrats on 200!!
    And thanks so much for all the links- I especially liked the Saveur link! Interesting to see how my bookshelf compares...

  21. Congratulations! I often wonder why I blog, and if it's worth the time and extra calories, but I deliberately never calculate the opportunity cost. We love you and love your blog. You make me a better baker, cook and blogger, and I don't even know you! Happy 200th, and I hope you never get burned out!

  22. Congrats on your milestone! I'm definitely impressed--I'm lucky to manage two posts a week. I've got a wishlist started for all the things I want to purchase from King Arthur, and I swear it gets longer every week. =)

  23. Congrats on your 200th post!!!

  24. Congratulations on your 200th post, Nancy! Although I recently discovered your blog through SMS, I look forward to the next 200 posts.

  25. Congrats on the 200 posts, that is a lot - great weekly rate, I wish I could do that, alas. Can you give me a math lesson, I think I am allergic to it, no really I am. Can't tell you how many times I have made a boo boo at work just trying to calculate proper filing dates. Keep em coming

  26. congrats on reaching 200 posts in 40 weeks--i'm super impressed, as always. thanks for all the numbers and math--since i deal in words more than numbers, your blog is a great place to go when i need a dose of recipe recalculation. and, besides the numerical goodness, i read your blog because i always learn something new and leave feeling inspired and refreshed and be-friended, if that makes sense:)

  27. Congrats on your 200th post. I just started earlier this year and can attest to how much time goes into maintaining these little things. Can't wait to continue reading more from you.

  28. Love your blog, Nancy! Wow, 200, you go! Can't wait to see/read more.

  29. Big congrats on the big 2-0-0! Excellent links in this post!

  30. Congrats on 200, Nancy!!!
    Just passed by for that, don't count me in the list, please, it's more useful and less expensive as delivery charges that the prize is won in USA!
    By the way, do you celebrate May, 1st in USA as Workers day?

  31. Nancy, 200 posts in 40 weeks? You are my blogging idol!!! Your blog has been a real treat to read... I'm looking forward to your next 200 posts. :)

  32. I love the name of your blog! My dog eats the crumbs as well - as do my degu and the plethora of birds in the back!

    Pure serendipity with you posting the "Stud Muffin" to Yeast Spotting! I had just looked at it in "The Bread Bible" while waiting on my husband at Borders last night, but couldn't bring myself to shell out the money for yet ANOTHER baking book as I've gone a bit crazy with it as of late!
