
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dorie's Fruit Terrine and Vintage Pan Giveaway

I was very excited to read Dorie Greenspan's blog post highlighting her recipes for today's Parade Magazine because there was a gorgeous summer fruit terrine. I have some beautiful blackberries from my farm box that needed to be used, and honestly, I can't imagine a more light and refreshing summer dish! I had another reason to be excited, and you'll find out about that a bit farther down in this post... (unless you happen to have been tipped off by the post title!)

n.o.e.'s notes:

- This terrine highlights beautifully ripe berries along with citrus fruit. I used 1.5 cup each of blackberries and raspberries. I didn't quite use all of the sections from my 1 grapefruit and 2 navel oranges, but as you can see, my terrine was packed with fruit. I peeled the citrus sections (which I find terribly tedious, but very pretty).

- I used grapefruit juice, because I thought its tartness would be a terrific counterpoint to the sweet berries.

- Here's a piece of advice: first stir in the citrus and any sturdy berries that you are using, such as strawberries or blueberries, then gently fold in tender berries such as blackberries and raspberries. This was slap-the-forehead-obvious to me right after I added the blackberries. Which I did first. As I stirred in the other fruit, very gingerly, the blackberries began to disintegrate. I never got the fruit distributed well enough, and little blackberry bits are quite visible in my terrine.

the verdict:

With just a tiny bit of sugar added, this terrine is not much more than fruit plus a bit of juice. But its so pretty and so refreshingly healthy that it would be a great brunch dish, or a light finish to a meal, served with yogurt or creme fraiche.

And now we come to the main reason that I was excited to see Dorie's recipe. I knew it would be perfect in my long loaf pan. I was already planning to write a blog post today about this pan, and Dorie's recipe gave me a simple refreshing recipe to show it off.

It is a vintage pan, in a very hard-to-find size (10 1/4" x 3 5/8"), and with its straight sides it is perfect for terrines, pates, and even layer cakes - it produces nice rectangular slices. It is equivalent to a "one pound loaf pan" so is ideal for quick breads and yeast breads. Because it is slim, breads cook more quickly and evenly, with much less chance of having a too-done outside and under-done inside.

My mother has cooked in this type of pan since she was first married in 1950, and my pair are my favorites of all of my baking pans.

And... drumroll, please!

You have a chance to win your very own rare vintage pans - I am giving away a pair to celebrate my one year blogiversary!!

This kind of pan is scarcer than hen's teeth, so I was thrilled to locate some! These are a bit worn, scratched, and dinged, but they are nice and shiny inside so will release their contents well (especially when lined with parchment, see pictures below). They are aluminum, so I always hand-wash mine to protect the finish.

If you are interested in winning this pair of pans, leave a comment to this post by Friday, July 24 at noon Eastern time, making sure that I have a way to contact you, either by comment on your blog or via email. I will choose the winner with the help of a random number generator. I'm happy to ship these pans anywhere in the world, so feel free to enter no matter where you are located.

I cook and bake in my pans all the time. Here are some of the things I've posted in the past year:

And finally, I need to give special thanks to my husband Jim, who is my #1 supporter and taste tester! Over the past year he has gotten quite used to waiting for his food (he even asks now, "Did you photograph this?") and to providing comments "for the record." He's even written some guest verdicts for the blog. Thanks, Jim!

Our wedding anniversary was yesterday; here we were 28 years ago:

[Update: I'm happy to report that Amy of My Famous Recipe has won the vintage pan giveaway!]


  1. Oh, I'd comment even if you weren't giving away these very very cool pans which I desperately want to win. Your terrine is beautiful (blackberry bits and all!) and is so representative of the beautiful food that you post every time. You were one of my first visitors (and supporters!) and I appreciate that so much. I think we're all lucky that you started your blog! And I love seeing your wedding picture...I'm sure you two look exactly the same today.
    Happy anniversary, and blogaversary, and all good wishes for the next year(s) of both!

  2. Firstly, happy blogiversary! Your blog has been inspirational over the past year, both the recipes you've made/conquered, and the volume of posts!!
    Second, your terrine looks amazing- the colors are gorgeous!
    Third, what an awesome giveaway!! I have a few vintage pans from my grandfather (a set of round ones for tiered wedding cakes, and a couple different petit four pans), and would love to add these to my collection!
    And lastly, thanks for sharing your wedding photo, and happy anniversary!

  3. Happy blogoversary. If I win this pan, I will be making some nice rectangular layer cakes with it.

  4. Happy Anniversary! What a fabulous picture - and a great testament to a long happy marriage.

    Love the pans - those are truly vintage!

  5. The terrine looks absolutely beautiful. I, too, love those long, slender pans. They're closer in size and shape to the pans I see in France -- I wish they were more common here.

    Happy wedding and blog anniversaries!

  6. Oh my gosh! I love your wedding picture! Congratulations on both of your anniversaries. I think I've told you before, but your blog was one of the first blogs that I read. I had it bookmarked before I learned how to blog and follow.
    Now, on to this terrine. It looks splendid. I must try this, soon! I'm sure that it's so good that it will get eaten right away, but do you happen to know if it has a shelf life at all? Could I eat it over the course of a week, or does it need to be eaten the day that it's made? I can't wait to try this!

  7. Love your wedding photo!! The terrine looks gorgeous with all the vibrant colours!

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and your anniversaries!

  8. Awww, what a sweet photo! I saw Dorie's post on the terrine and thought "how beautiful" but didn't take it much farther. Now that I see that a mere mortal has attempted it, I might have to give it a shot. Those pans are beautiful, how I wish my mother's or grandmother's pans were still around.

  9. Happy Anniversary!
    Happy Blogaversary!
    Love all your posted goodies showing us that cool pan that I'd love to have! ;)
    I love your blog and how "smart" it (you) is.

  10. That fruit terrine is beautiful. Lucky you to get such wonderful fruits in your box. I don't know which is the better pic - the wedding pic or the terrine. In both everything is happy. Happy Anniversary.

    Thanks for the chance to win ths pan(s). I think baking in them would be fun - nice long desserts instead of square or round.

  11. Happy Anniversary! You two look so cute! It's so sweet that he's so thoughtful twenty eight years later!! I guess you've got a keeper there! And a blogiversary too! How cool is that? I love reading about all the things you make and your new bread blog has me so envious! Keep up the wonderful work....

  12. What a great wedding picture! And the terrine is just amazing, you don't notice any blackberry bits in the picture--it just looks refreshing and good. Those are cool pans too, the vintage stuff is so fun.
    Happy "Versaries" to you, both of them. ;-)

  13. Wow, all those loaf cakes look amazing and that terrine is making my mouth water! Those pans are so adaptable!!

    Happy blogversary!

    Katie xox

  14. Love your blog! I've been following you for a few months now and have tried a few of your recipes with great success! Thank you!

    Happy Anniversary!

  15. Happy Anniversary!!! I hope you had a good one. Love the wedding picture, you both look great.

    The fruit terrine looks wonderful. I love all the colors. In knife skills class, we learned how to supreme an orange--but to me it's still a pain especially when the segments aren't wide.

  16. That terrine is beautiful! It looks so refreshing and perfect for summer- and I honestly didn't notice the blackberry bits at all! And happy anniversary, that's a wonderful photo.


  17. Aahhh! I think I've mentioned a *few* times that I love those vintage pans of yours... What a wonderful giveaway! Happy blogiversary / anniversary!

  18. What a great picture! And I love those pans. I saw that recipe and yours looks just like it.

  19. This is beautiful Nancy! And sooooo summery! I love it! guys look Oh! so young on that picture... looks like you got married on your Confirmation day! he he!!! Happy belated anniversary!

  20. What a great post, Nancy, from the things you've baked in the pans to your wedding photo! I am a hopeless romantic. :)

  21. The terrine looks amazing... and I love the whole idea of that shape pan! Why in the world did they stop making them?

  22. What I love (and hate) about you is that after posting a TWD recipe (4-different varieties no less), you manage to post loaves of breads, tarts, ice cream, pasta frigollini (I have no idea what that is). I would love to have the time in the kitchen that you do - you can tell it is a love of yours (as is mine)! Your terrine is phenomenal - truly looks like something out of Bon Appetit. No, I don't want those pans. I don't need another pan. I have too many in different shapes and sizes already. I do NOT want those pans. (Those are absolutely wonderful pans.. I'm insane - YES, I would love to bake in them). I'm so glad you inherited them and hope they bring you much joy - as there is in your wonderful wedding photo. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY NANCY!

  23. What a beautiful fruit terrine. It caught my eye and I had to come over and check it out. Absolutely beautiful and unique. I would love to try this recipe. Also, what a great and well-thought giveaway. The pans are really great and who wouldn't want a set of those : ) I really want to try this recipe. Love the wedding photo. Congrats on 28 years!!

  24. Congratulations! I love stopping by to read your blog(s). The fruit terrine looks great and the berry and sorbet mosaic is phenomenal. As usual, I'm inspired by what you've created here.

  25. What beautiful cakes it makes! I'd love to have this for quick breads and perhaps something more adventuresome.

  26. I almost missed this post! You two look like such babies in that young and cute. Now you still look young and cute. Happy Anniversary again. I love the look of that fruit terrine, I have to make that sometime soon as much as we all love fruit around here. Yours looks particularly beautiful!

  27. Happiness To You! A lovely blog, an obliging husband, the memory of your mother's baking pans - and fresh fruit in a lovely terrine. Congratulations!

  28. Your terrine is beautiful!! All of those different colors and textures are just amazing together. I love that wedding photo, congratulations on 28 years!

  29. I'm so glad you shared the wedding picture. Happy (belated) anniversary! The fruit terrine is gorgeous, and I love the pans. It seems like I'm always finding new pans to covet. =)

  30. I am such a slacker - I am getting caught up on my comments and can't believe I'm just seeing this post now! First, happy anniversary! I LOVE the wedding photo - you guys look so young and so happy!

    I've never had a terrine, but it sounds yummy. And those colors - so gorgeous! The pans are really cool and very fun (and generous) that you're giving them away!

  31. Wow, that terrine is gorgeous, what a great way to celebrate summer fruit. Happy anniversaries!

  32. Wow, the terrine looks delicious. AND healthy!

  33. Nancy- I love the photo of you and your husband! Congrats on your anniversary! and your blogiversary.
    The terrine looks soo good.
    The pans look fantastic too.
    and the blanc manger.

  34. this is my first time to your blog,
    I'm very happy to have found you

  35. Hey there! Happy Anniversary and Blogiversary! I love that wedding photo! Those pans look really neat! I would love to try that new chocolate terrine with sugared peanuts I saw on Epicurious recently.

  36. Wow, so much to celebrate; Ican't believe I am so late to the party! Happy anniversary - what a great wedding picture! And happy blogiversary too -- I think I've read most of your posts, and I enjoy them all! This terrine is just beautiful - so perfect for the summer. Love those pans, too!

  37. The terrine is gorgeous...Happy Anniversary and Blogoversary! Those pans look fantastic! :)

  38. Nancy, love that pan and all the wonderful things you have made. Tiramisu would be lovely in it as well. If you like it of course. Anyway, can I put my name in the hat? Paleeese??? Also, who is that little girl in the wedding photo with the handsome prince? he he OMG Happy Anniversary. That is the most awesome gift to your girls ever!
    Happy Anniversary
