
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

{TWD} Fresh Mango Bread

This week's TWD baking assignment is Fresh Mango Bread., chosen by Kelly of Baking with the Boys (the recipe will be on her post). This was a new one on me, even though Dorie says it's a Southern specialty and I've lived here in the South for more than 30 years (born a Yankee, though).

To be ready for this bread, I'd ordered a mango from the
farm box (organic "from farther afield", as they say). I eat very few fresh mangoes so I had to turn to my good buddy, Google, when it was time to ripen and store my mango. And the internet research turned up this interesting fact: mangoes are the #1 consumed fruit in the world, beating bananas 3 to 1 and apples 10 to 1. Did you know that? I sure didn't, and it makes me think I'd better get on the mango-eating band wagon (besides those fabulous chile spiced dried mangoes from Trader Joes).

n.o.e.'s notes:

-My mango must be the type that Dorie used, because it yielded exactly 2 cups of chopped fruit!

- I made a few typical-for-me substitutions in this recipe:

--- 5 oz light flavor olive oil + 1 oz nonfat yogurt

--- 1 c white whole wheat + 1.5 cups ap flour

- I could not get my head around the combination of fresh fruit and raisins. It just sounded odd to me. Dorie said that she'd tweaked nuts out of the recipe, and I tweaked them back in! They just seemed to go with the raisins. I added 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans to keep the golden raisins (and the mango) company.

- Rather than 3 eggs, I used 2 very very large duck eggs (@75 grams each!) + a few drops of egg substitute.

- Rather than a big loaf, I filled 1 smallish and 1 mini loaf pan. The batter pretty much filled the pans. I should have used another mini pan, but I was too lazy to grease and flour it. My reward? The pans overflowed in the oven.

- The biggest issues with other TWD bakers seemed to be whether to include the raisins (always controversial; people have strong opinions about raisins in their baked goods!) and the hairyness of the cooked mangoes in the bread. I have to say the little strings did take me a bit by surprise, but they weren't a deal breaker for me.

the verdict:

I liked the spiciness of this bread, but not sure I liked the mango in it, which is too bad since that's pretty much the point of the bread. That being said, my husband loved this bread and ate it with his breakfast for a week. I still have the mini loaf in the freezer.


  1. I didn't know that mangoes were the most eaten of any fruit in the world. It makes sense though, thinking about all the tropical places that they grow.
    I added pecans too and really enjoyed this bread.
    Looks yummy.

  2. Looks great, I am a no raisin girl, I subbed in dried apricots. Sorry you didn't love it, I didn't get to try it but it smelled good.

  3. I added pecans (at your suggestion of nuts) - and that was definitely a good move. Thanks! I love your loaves - so perfect! And I discovered how good golden raisins are... Now, if I only paid attention on how to cut/dice a mango. Yours looks extremely chock full of healthy goodness. Nicely done Nancy!

  4. I loved the raisins in this bread and had no problems with stringy mangos! I added some coconut to get a more pronounced tropical taste, however after baking it was hardly detectable....

  5. Glad your hubby really liked it!

  6. First of all, thank you for not putting the chili-spiced dried mangos IN the bread. :) I do like my cousin's mango salsa, though.

    I put golden raisins in mine, and that intensified the carrot-cake resemblance for me. And I tweaked the nuts in too.

    Your bread looks great! I'm with you I think...I did like this but can't really see making it that often. Too many other quick breads out there!

  7. I used nuts, too and I really thought they were great in the bread. That's really surprising about mangoes beating bananas, too!

  8. mmm, pecans.

    i'm a raisin hater too. and the hairy mango would've scared me.

    i'm glad your husband enjoyed the bread:)

  9. I used a dried fruit mix. The mango didn't bother me. Almost all I could taste was ginger. Yours looks really yummy!

  10. I didn't know mangoes were the most eaten fruit either. We go through a lot of mangoes at our house, but that's only in the summer. I think I would enjoy this more with the nuts than the raisins. Great sub!

  11. I just put my bread in the oven 30 minutes ago and it's exploding as I write this. I had to leave the kitchen so that I wouldn't do something stupid to try to fix it. I'll admit, I'm a little nervous about the cooked mangoes in the bread but I'm excited to try it. Your bread looks delicious.

  12. I'm glad u tweaked nuts in there because I love them in every form, especially in bread.

  13. I am so surprised to learn that mangoes are the most eaten fruit in the world. I would not have even put it in my top 5 if guessing. I think it's good I did not get to the P&Q this week - I had not thought about hairy mangoes on my own, but once the idea got planted in my head I would not have been able to shake it. Sorry this wasn't your favorite, but glad your hubs liked it. It looks great - I love your subs.

  14. Oh surely you loved the mango Nancy! Yum. We loved this recipe and I will definitely make it again. It took two mangoes for me to get the two cups of diced. So you only used one? Very interesting. I wish I had added pecans. Hindsight, right? :)

  15. Ooh, duck eggs - all your subs sound nice.

  16. My goodness, I had no idea mangoes were so popular. I do love them, and now I'll have to try the TJ's dried mango you mentioned. Thanks for a great post, as always!

  17. Love the changes you made. The bread looks very nice!

  18. I LOVE the chile spiced dried mangoes from Trader Joes! I actually forgot about them and now that you have reminded me back on the grocery list they go!

  19. I'm glad the hubs liked it!!! I LOVED this bread! Seriously, loved it! I'm definitely anti-raisin in baked goods, but I can totally understand why people like them! Your loaves look great!

  20. Too bad I ate all the mango instead of actually baking the bread with it.

    It looks really good, though.

  21. I also was a little concerned when I saw a hair (blamed the cat), but then remembered mangoes get stringy. Totally agree on the addition of the nuts. Looks great!

  22. We loved this bread, but if truth be told, I couldn't taste the mango. And I also "tweaked" the nuts back in!

  23. I knew that fact about mangoes. I just couldn't remember the exact details of it. Your mango looks great. I'm glad it was a hit with your husband.

    I think I will never be able to understand the controversy over raisins.

  24. I'd love to see your freezer!
    Looks yummy, who knew that mangoes were so popular?

  25. Yours looks yummy. I'm blaming too much mango for the fact that it fell apart.

  26. Ok, DUCK eggs? Really? All I can think of is duck didn't ruin it? Like the idea...

  27. You should bring your puppies to the Pond puppy ball!

  28. Looks great. And thank you for sharing your findings from Google. I would have never guessed mangoes as the most eaten fruit. I thought the bread was good, but probably wouldn't make it again. The husband really liked it though.

  29. Your bread looks wonderful. I love mangos and live where they are plentiful, so I was looking forward to this recipe. I left out the raisins and added chopped slivered almonds. I was not disappointed. I made small loaves and gifted them, as I usually do. Too good to keep around my kitchen. There is a fun resource book, The Great Mango Book by Allen Susser, that you might enjoy.

  30. I'm shocked that mangoes are more popular than bananas! I like mangoes, but they're a once-in-a-while fruit in my house. I think I would have liked this a lot with pecans, but my husband would have boycotted it.

  31. Wow, that is an interesting fact about the mangoes! This was my first time trying mangoes and I'll definitely be eating them again soon! Your bread looks wonderful. Sorry it wasn't your favorite.

  32. Ya learn something new everyday (about mangoes being the #1 eaten fruit in the world). I like raisins, but also added pecans and I made a ton of healthier adaptations. Good bread, but I'll stick with my banana!

  33. Oh no, I'm sorry that these overflowed in the oven. I hate it when that happens. Such a pan. Your bread does look great, however, and I'm super glad that at least your hubby was a fan :)

  34. The photo of your slices is gorgeous. I bet the nuts added a nice touch, they sound like they would go really well in that. From the photo of your slices, I can't tell at all that they overflowed the pan, but the other photo shows it. Thanks for the warning on that, I switched to a bigger pan and it worked out fine. We loved it here...the mango really stood out in the flavor. I love how you put things in the freezer. Someday things will last long enough around here for me to do that!

  35. You're so good about eating healthy, I wish I had your willpower!

    Love the texture of your bread, perhaps adding the nuts gave it that humpf... Beautiful, simple yet clean and crisp picture.

    Lovely, Nancy!

  36. I found mine tasted so much better the next day. Yours look great :)

  37. I had never eaten a mango either....and trying to chop it up was a disaster.

    I also didn't put raisins in...but cinnamon chips.

    Yours looks great.

  38. Um, Nancy, if you need anyone to eat the crunchy bits around the edge, let me know and I'll be on the next flight.

    You mentioning the chile spiced mango from Trader Joe's made me think that would be a fantastic addition to this recipe!

  39. I overfilled, too, but mine were muffins, so it wasn't too messy. Nuts sound good, but there's no way the girls would have eaten it with nuts. B claimed to like this one, then changed her mind, as usual. G was a big fan, though. =)

  40. Wow! I learned something new today! I didn't know that mangoes were consumed that much. Glad this turned out so good for you!

  41. I, too, have never heard of Mango bread and I am born/raised in the south. I enjoy mangoes, but they are way too messy to just sit and eat. And I loved this spicy bread, but the mango was awful mild. No raisins (eewww)

    Your loaves look just right - nice and brown. I think I will try with whole wheat next time. AND pecans.

  42. I would have never guessed that mangos beat out all the other fruits in popularity. Go mango! I had overflow issues too.

  43. These look fantastic! I buy that TJ chile mango by the caseload! :) Glad your husband really liked it!

  44. Interesting fact about the mango. I wouldn't have guessed it but I can certainly see why. Thanks for baking along this week and I am glad your husband loved it.

  45. I wish I'd added some nuts to mine - although I liked it just the way it was.

  46. I love the changes you made, the loaves look wonderful! Perfect for breakfast.
