
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Meyer Lemon Pudding

Although I love most any kind of fruit, citrus is my very favorite fruit family.  It is in season over the winter, and through the miracles of modern transportation, rays of citrusy brightness shine into cold, dreary, dark days everywhere.  As a celebration of all things citrus, Di, of Di's Kitchen Notebook is sponsoring a (Late) Winter Blog Event - Citrus Sunday, inviting her fellow bloggers to prepare a citrus dish and link to it on her site

I had found some lovely Meyer Lemons at the store and looked around for a dish that would spotlight this sweet, mellow variety of lemon.  I settled on Meyer Lemon Pudding, perfect cheery comfort food for the chilly, gray weather we were having.

n.o.e.'s notes:

-  I found the recipe on this blog post; it's from a book called Luscious Lemon Desserts.

-  The recipe called for 3 egg yolks, but used 4 egg yolks because the ones from the Jumbo eggs still looked pretty small to me.  I was in California when I made this recipe and it seems true that egg yolks in the western US are smaller than those in the east.

-  I didn't read the recipe and put the lemon juice in the saucepan along with the milk, eggs, sugar, and zest (it was supposed to be added later).  I realized my mistake right away and was nervous that the lemon would curdle the dairy, but I'm happy to report that it turned out fine!

-  I reduced the amount of sugar to 2/3 cup, wanted to retain some tartness of the lemon.

the verdict:

We enjoyed this lovely version of lemon pudding, finding it subtle but unmistakably lemony.  We loved that it was rich and creamy and not too sweet.  The pudding was also a good keeper; we enjoyed it for dessert each evening for several days, plain and dotted with fresh berries.

You can join the fun of the Citrus Blog Event - check out all of the linked recipes or post one on your own site and add your link (until March 25, 2012).


  1. That looks delicious! Pudding around here is invariably of the chocolate variety; I'll have to see if I can convince the girls to try this one. =) I love your pictures--I love the contrast of blue and yellow.

  2. I've never tried lemon pudding before, but it sounds really delicious. It would be a nice break from the chocolate pudding I always go for.

  3. I haven't made pudding in ages...this sounds reaaly tasty!

  4. What a nice alternative to the standard chocolate pudding. It looks so creamy and delicious. It's nice to know that the recipe is forgiving if you mix up the steps in the process. I find that sometimes in my haste I do that and I don't get the desired result.

  5. Ingenious.... touché with the lemon! I used meyers for the first time - love them! And even though we have smaller eggs over here, I think our lemons are superior :) Beautiful photos Nancy!

  6. Ooh...lemon pudding sounds bright and refreshing. I'm glad it worked out with the juice mistake.

  7. Oh, I wish I had some of this right now. That bowl is a stunning vessel to serve it in, too.
