
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

{TWD} Chocolate Sour Cream Cake Cookies

In case you've been keeping track, you'd have realized that this spring and early summer the chocolate recipes have been few and far between for the Tuesdays With Dorie baking group. So it really isn't overkill that we've baked two different chocolate cookies in three weeks' time. And they couldn't be more different: crunchy, twice-baked biscotti and this week's Chocolate Sour Cream Cake Cookies.

n.o.e.'s notes:

- This week's cookie recipe was chosen by Spike of Spike Bakes, and you can find the recipe over on her blog today.

- Once again, for this recipe I used , a very dark cocoa powder.

- I omitted cinnamon and added a few grindings of black pepper.

- Instead of raisins, I used tiny, tiny currants, which were nearly undetectable in the finished cookie.

- I baked a full recipe of these cookies and ended up with a yield of 51 cookies

- My cookies baked quickly; in about 10 minutes they were ready to come out of the oven..

- I froze most of the cookies for future use.

- With the remaining cookies; I combined several of them with some leftover cream cheese frosting. They made pretty wonderful whoopie pies.

the verdict:

As plain cookies these are quite good; they are like the top of a cupcake, but maybe just a bit firmer. I love that they're not super-sweet, which lets the chocolate flavor shine through. On
the second and third day, after refrigeration, the cookies got fudgier and firmer. I preferred them that way. But my very favorite way to enjoy these cookies was as mini-whoopie pies with the cream cheese frosting as the filling.


  1. I thought about making cream cheese filling for the ones I took to work, but was lazy and just used chocolate hazelnut spread. No one seemed to mind. =) These did work fairly well for ice cream sandwiches, too.

  2. I was thinking whoopie pie. Hmmm, maybe these will emerge from my kitchen again. ;-)

  3. The frosting filled ones look perfect!

  4. Chocolate recipes few and far between? Depends who is doing the reviewing I guess. It's like those lines in Annie Hall when the counselor asks each one separately how often they have sex and she says, "ALL the TIME, 2-3 times a week!" and his reply was "Hardly EVER, 2-3 times a week." Something along those lines. LOL. Seems like I am always hauling out the chocolate for something. Anyway, yours are very cute with their little Oreo look. Interesting subs. I made these twice, couldn't find the photos of the first ones (probably got erased somewhere along the line to make room for grad photos) and failed big time when I made them the second time. Not sure what happened but it wasn't pretty. I apologized to Dorie and Spike. And as for getting kicked off the island, I'm safe this week! :-) If you are up reading this, go to bed, it's way late in Spain!:-)

  5. These were definitely great as Whoopie Pies. I did the same thing with a quick mixture of Nutella and marshmallow creme. I only made 1/4 of the recipe and always think of you and your super math skills when I do that. ;)

  6. I love the addition of cream cheese frosting and the use of dark chocolate cocoa powder. It makes these cookies look so rich!

  7. Bitter chocolate and cream cheese frosting is the perfect combination - these look gorgeous and the perfect woopie pie shells. Yum.

  8. The mini whoopie pie picture is making me so hungry! XO, M
