
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Maple Glazed Pork Chops

Did you know that it's maple syrup tapping time right now? Although maple pairs beautifully with fall flavors such as apple and pumpkin, the actual making of maple syrup is a late winter/early spring endeavor.

I love maple, so I'll look for nearly any excuse to use it in a recipe. That's one reason why I chose the recipe for Pan-Fried Glazed Pork Chops from Jamie Oliver's Jamie's Food Revolution cookbook, which I borrowed from my library. According to the recipe, the pork chop glaze can be made with a number of different ingredients: applesauce, jam, honey, maple syrup, chutney. I was most excited to see maple syrup in that list, so that's what I used.

n.o.e.'s notes:

- You can find the recipe for these pork chops here.

- The premise of Jamie Oliver's book is that delicious homemade food from fresh ingredients is attainable for everyone in a short amount of time. This recipe came together quite quickly.

- The recipe gives directions for removing and cooking the skin from the chops until they are crackling, then serving them on top of the chop along with some fried sage leaves. The pork chops I used did not have any skin, so I just garnished with the sage leaves.

- I need to experiment a bit more with the cooking time and temperature. My chops got slightly overcooked as I waited for them to brown.

the verdict:

The chops had a wonderful sweet/savory combination of flavors. The fond in the pan tasted divine! I'll hang onto this tasty and fun recipe.


  1. I want to try maple syrup collecting one of these days...there are places that have it around here and tons up in VT and Maine.

  2. What a timely post! We just went to the annual pancake breakfast and maple syrup hike at my little guy's preschool yesterday morning. Fascinating to learn about how the trees are tapped and the syrup is made.

  3. These were so good...enjoyed making them with you. I used honey and those were some really great pork chops. Definitely a repeat. I didn't think to photo and post these, oh well, you are carrying forth the torch. Your photo is stunning.
