
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lemon Pudding Cakes

This is the final week for the Tyler Florence Fridays group, which was formed last November so that bloggers spend a year exploring Tyler's varied repertory of recipes. As the TFF Powers That Be put it:

"So TFF peeps and fans, next week, Friday October 30 will be our last official weekly Tyler Florence Fridays Round-up. (Sniff, sniff) It has been a ton of fun over the past year and we have enjoyed getting to know so many great bloggers. We hope to see you all here for the party--with a new Tyler dish or maybe repeating a past favorite."

I've enjoyed participating - however sporadically - in TFF over the past year, and couldn't miss posting in this final week. Funnily enough, this is the first Tyler Florence dish that I ever prepared, his Lemon Pudding Cakes. I baked these last November and the post has been in my drafts folder ever since!

On a chilly day last Fall we had another couple over for a casual dinner. I served a hearty beef stew and wanted to finish with something rather light and refreshing; Tyler's recipe for Lemon Pudding Cakes sounded perfect. I love serving individual-portion desserts to company.

n.o.e.'s notes:

- This is an easy and straightforward recipe to prepare, and many of the steps can be done ahead, making it ideal for entertaining.

- As it bakes, this dessert separates into a cake layer on the bottom and a pudding layer on top. I guess that's why Tyler calls them "pudding cakes"!

- I used a tea ball for dusting the powdered sugar on top.

the verdict:

These pudding/cakes really hit the spot. I loved the different textures of the two lemony layers and the berries were a delicious counterpoint. I had one tiny quibble: I thought the pudding/cake was a bit too sweet, so next time I'll reduce the sugar.

This is an elegant and easy dessert for entertaining, or for enjoying all by yourself!


  1. Such pretty little cakes. One of these days I am going to make them. Thanks for joining us at TFF--it has been wonderful getting to know you!

  2. What lovely little cakes! Thanks so much for bringing them to the farewell party!

  3. Very nice post,photos collection, & nice to see the outbound links also.

  4. I loved those cakes too - they are straightforward and simple enough to make without losing too many brain cells.

  5. They look really good and I love the idea of berries with it.

  6. I've always liked the idea of pudding cakes, and these look wonderful! Not too season for me, so I may wait until spring to try them.

  7. oh, that's too bad...I know how much you enjoyed this group! These cakes sound wonderful - thanks for posting them!

  8. Haha I love the irony of the fact that your first dish ended up being your last. Too perfect. And what a good dessert to bring to the party! I love lemony flavored things.

  9. Okay, I have to make this one...this sounds absolutely heavenly to me and the look of it makes it doubly so. I can't believe you have been sitting on this for a year!!! You have such a way of styling to make everything look so delicious and wonderful. This could be dangerous for me, I love lemon more than any other flavor.

  10. Love them! Tartine has a similar recipe I made once - very easy and melded into a pudding/cake. I will have to check this recipe out and compare. Love anything with lemon - and love your addition of berries - evern in the fall, lemon is a welcome addition! Love it!!!

  11. These look so good, so light, refreshing and summery. Wish it was summer now and I could enjoy one while sitting in the sun.
    But after a hearty stew, that works for me too!
