
Friday, August 28, 2009

Blueberry Frozen Yogurt

Earlier in the summer I made strawberry frozen yogurt from David Lebovitz' book The Perfect Scoop and we loved it - so much strawberry flavor and such a lovely texture - so I was looking forward to trying the blueberry version.

n.o.e.'s notes:

- You can find the recipe on Pam's blog, here.

- Since these were pretty sweet (they were not wild blueberries) I cut the sugar a bit.

- The recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups of yogurt. I used 1 c Greek yogurt and 1/2 cup berry yogurt from Trader's Point Creamery. This delicious organic yogurt, produced from grass-fed cows, was voted the #1 yogurt by the American Cheese Society. It's a thin yogurt that comes in a beautiful glass bottle, and I've been able to find it at a decent price at Fresh Market. (Whole Foods also carries it)

the verdict

For some reason we had mixed reactions to this yogurt the day we first made it. My husband loved it, but I was bothered by something - the blueberry skins, maybe? It tasted a little odd, sort of chalky. But the next day it tasted very good to both of us and to some guests that sampled it. I'd like to try making this again with wild blueberries (fresh or frozen).


  1. Ice cream week?? Where have I been?? Everything here looks fantastic, Nancy!!

  2. The first time I made blueberry ice cream I decided to leave the berries whole.... yup, my ice cream was studded with little frozen pellets! Live and learn. Yours looks great, I always have room for ice cream.

  3. you know where TP Creamery IS? About 15 miles from my house...I go there all the time. I buy stuff from there all the time. I eat there. The kids have always gone there to see cows and pet them and learn about milking, etc. It's a marvelous place and I could not believe my eyes when I saw this in your post! Oh, yeah, and the Blueberry Frozen Yogurt looks delicious, too, btw!

  4. YUM. I love ice cream week. I'll join you next year!

  5. Looks great - I've been overbuying bluberries this summer and constantly looking for good ways to use them. I'll have to try this one while the blueberries are still so plentiful!

  6. I remember having similar results when I made this a long time ago. Probably why I haven't made it since.
