
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Avocado Cilantro and White Onion Salad

Although I make some type of salad every single night for dinner, during the summer salad-making turns from a chore to a pleasure. Farmers' markets, farm boxes, and even the local grocery stores are all brimming with fresh, inviting produce. I can step outside my front door and snip just about any kind of herb (except cilantro, which gave up the ghost very early in the growing season).

I was excited to see that the August challenge recipe for the Tyler Florence Fridays group is Avocado, Cilantro and White Onion Salad. I had half an avocado hanging around the fridge, and all of the other ingredients were handy, so I made the recipe right away. And then I made it a couple of days later because 1) it was just that delicious, and 2) my pictures from the first batch were pretty terrible. My initial excitement gave way to lasting happiness when I realized that this salad was not just a summer veggie thing; these ingredients are available all year long!

n.o.e.'s notes:

- You can find the recipe on this Tyler Florence Friday post

- Since I only had half an avocado, I made 1/8 recipe.

- I used some local Vidalia onion, and some wild garlic from the farm box people.

- The recipe calls for "freshly picked" cilantro. Since cilantro is the one herb that had refused to grow in my garden I decided that "freshly picked up" from the grocery store qualified.

the verdict:

This salad was so delicious! Although I would have been tempted to throw in some tomato, the avocado and onion made for a great duo, with fresh and flavorful support from the lime and cilantro. I licked the plate. Both times I made it.

I'll be making this recipe again and again, no matter the season.

Thanks, Megan, for this outstanding recipe choice (and easy, too!) I've been away from TFF for quite a while - this recipe was a perfect way to return!


  1. This salad sounds so good Nancy! I completely agree on the availability of fresh produce - I feel like this is the first summer I've really taken advantage of what's available and it's so much fun!

  2. Great picture! I am glad to hear how good it is--I have my stuff and I am making it tomorrow. ;-)

  3. This really does look plate-licking good! I've been mildly obsessed with avocado this summer, and this looks like a simple and delicious use for it. My cilantro bit the dust too - and I expected to have the opposite problem (aggressive growth). Oh well. Freshly picked up from the grocery works for me!

  4. I don't really like plain avacado, but the flavors in this salad look delicious. I definitely want to give it a shot. I've heard that cilantro is a cold weather herb. I've never tried to grow it, though.

  5. So pretty and so fresh looking...and I'm with you, there is salad going on here on a daily basis.

  6. It does look delicious. I would be tempted to throw in some tomato too. And maybe some Mexican cheese crumbled on top.

  7. Such a great summer salad. Looks wonderful!

  8. I really should do a little more experimenting with salads. This sounds much more exciting than my lettuce, red pepper, olives, tomatoes (when available) nightly standby. I love the avocado with cilantro.

  9. (groan) wish I had that salad for my lunch now!
    Very wonderful Nancy.

  10. Gosh this looks so delicious and fresh! Great photo!

  11. Summer means salads and now I have a ner one to try.

  12. Looks like deconstructed guacamole, so yummy.
