
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream with Peanut Butter Patties and Peanut Butter Truffles

If you are a fan of decadent ice cream with fabulous mix-ins, this is the post for you. I usually like my homemade ice cream nice and smooth, with nothing to distract from its single flavor goodness. But somehow when chocolate and peanut butter are involved, I just have to make an exception! When my daughter J.D.E. returned a few weeks ago from an extended trip we decided a welcome home treat was in order. Last summer she'd had some amazing chocolate peanut butter ice cream at Goose Rocks Dairy in Kennebunkport, Maine, and we thought we'd try to capture a similar magic.

n.o.e.'s notes:
- You can find the recipe for the ice cream (and the peanut butter patties) here

- This ice cream was really easy - I love ice creams that don't require custard making, although I've sort of gotten the hang of custards by now.

- I actually went out to buy good old Jif peanut butter because all I had is natural peanut butter and I wasn't sure how the texture would be .

- We made Lebovitz's peanut butter "patties" to mix in. The were awfully thin and sticky, even after time in the freezer. Tasty though.

- We wanted to boost the chocolate aspect of the ice cream, and were contemplating making our own truffles or the chocolate ripple that Lebovitz suggests, but then I found a package of "Harry London" peanut butter truffles in the cupboard (from an after-Easter sale) so I chopped those up.

- When the ice cream was finished churning, and was still in the "soft-serve" stage I stirred in the patties and the chopped truffles before putting it all in the freezer to firm up.

- The patties never did get very hard, and sort of turned into soft peanut butter smears through the ice cream. Which was not really that terrible, actually!

the verdict:

This was a nice chocolate ice cream with intense peanut butter accents from the patties and the truffles. What a great combination! It was creamier and not as sugary as a Reese's cup. It wasn't the same as Goose Rocks Dairy's ice cream, but it was delicious treat in its own right. We were very sad to see the last drips of this one!


  1. Sounds like an awesome way to get your peanut butter fix :) Yum!

  2. Well, I have to say, that anyone who loves chocolate and peanut butter would be in heaven seeing this post...and I am sure there are a lot of them out there! It looks nice and creamy!

  3. I'm LOVING how much peanut butter you've packed into this one dessert. It looks and sounds incredible. Soooo yummy!

  4. Nancy, that ice cream looks sinful! And peanut butter patties? WHo can go wrong with THAT?

  5. I made the same ice cream last week (with the patties but not with peanut butter truffles of course). It was a huge hit for us! I was undecided about adding the peanut butter to the ice cream base, but I loved the result!

  6. Right now is the worst possible time for me to see this delicious looking ice cream! I want some right now!
    It looks and sounds awesome. I might have to go for it.

  7. This looks fabulous! I want to make it again :)

  8. I would never make anything as fat-laden and cholesterol-inducing as that. Good heavens, what were you thinking? Are you out of your mind? I'm SO glad you posted the recipe, that might even be worth making ice cream in the fridge-method! :) I'm definitely going to make the patties.... those sound heavenly. Your ice cream looks SO good in your photographs. Are you sure it's not mashed potatoes in disguise? (stylist trade secret). WONDERFUL!

  9. I bet it was super delicious ! I'm dying to try a spoonful !!

  10. KBG said that "anyone who loves chocolate and peanut butter would be in heaven seeing this post." I am such a person, and I am indeed in heaven. I've tried to stick with mostly non-chocolate recipes for "recreational" sweets-making so hubs will eat most of it, but I think I'm going to have to make an exception here. Everything about this sounds perfect to me.

  11. Yum! I just posted some choc/pb cookie bars that would go great with this ice cream! I also just made DL's Perfect Scoop Philly Style Chocolate Ice cream last week and LOVE it. (I like the non-eggy ice creams, too! In fact, darn, I shouldn't have reminded myself there is some out in the freezer! ;)

  12. As a chocolate and peanut butter addict, I'm having a hard time even typing at the moment. I feel a bit delirious. It looks amazing.

  13. That is one rockin' ice cream! It's torture looking at it 'cause I don't have an ice cream maker. I need to get myself one!!

  14. How do you find time to cook all that you do? This ice cream looks fabulous, as does the lime pie. Wish I had made the lime pie this week - there's always next week tho, right?

  15. Any post with ice cream is a post for me! I do love mix-ins though and the decadent the better. Sounds delicious!

  16. Wow, this sounds over the top! DL suggests using regular grocery store PB because the oil in the natural PB is not desirable in ice cream. "soft peanut butter smears through the ice cream" sounds like a major accomplishment!

  17. And another one gets added to my list... =) I love Reeses, and this sounds fabulous.

  18. We love the peanut butter chocolate ice cream! I was glad to read about your experience with the peanut butter patties. I tried to make them a few months ago and had all kinds of trouble. They never froze and kept sticking to everything!
