
Friday, June 12, 2009

Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

I've always looked at Neapolitan ice cream and thought, "Why?" As in, why mess up perfectly good chocolate and vanilla ice cream with that strawberry stuff? At birthday parties when I was a child, I always ate around the strawberry part. As an adult I probably still would.

But with a pint of strawberries that were needing to be used, I thought I'd give David Lebovitz's Strawberry Frozen Yogurt a whirl. For one thing, the picture accompanying the recipe doesn't look anything like the insipid pale pink stuff sandwiched in the middle of the Neapolitan carton. All in all it seemed like a decent gamble with my just-past-their-prime strawberries.

n.o.e.'s notes:

- I didn't have a single lemon in the house, so I used lime juice and held my breath that it wouldn't dominate the flavor.

- Straining out the strawberry seeds is an optional step that I skipped.

the verdict:

The path to frozen deliciousness doesn't get much shorter or easier than this recipe! The fresh berry taste takes center stage, and the tang of the yogurt and the lime give a bit of punch to the sweetness of the berry/sugar combination. The frozen yogurt is great on its own and would be fantastic paired with a plain or lemon poundcake. I will make this again and again!


  1. That looks totally delicious, please make mine a double!

  2. Haha I'm the same way! I never ate the strawberry ice cream in the Neapolitan. This frozen yogurt does look pretty fantastic though so next time I have berries I'll have to give it a shot!

  3. this is beautiful! i'm going to make the coffee fro-yo today with some lovely homemade yogurt from my friends...mmmmm.

  4. Too funny Nancy. I always thought Neapolitan was just lunny!
    Yes! Strawberry Frozen Yogurt is well worth it and lime is beautiful.

  5. How delicious!! It doesn't get better than home-made!!

  6. I'm with you on the Neapolitan, love all three of the flavors, just not together (and I was never a kid that freaked out if my vegetables touched my meat). This sounds so easy and delicious!

  7. What a beautiful color! If it tastes as good as it looks, so will I! Maybe in a parfait, with some honey peach...

  8. I gave up making frozen yogurt after two terrible batches (incredibly hard) last summer. Neither of the recipes had alcohol, though, so I'm thinking I should give it a try. This berry yogurt looks outstanding.

  9. I have never liked Neopolitan ice cream either because of the strawberry messin' up the chocolate and vanilla taste! ;)
    I just recently made strawberry frozen yogurt, too (a cheap version of take some strawberries and yogurt, mix together and freeze). It was really good.
    I love the color of yours and it looks de-lish!

  10. This looks stunning with that glorious color. Going there soon...lovely recommendation!

  11. Ha - I always had the exact same thoughts about the strawberry in Neapolitan when I was a kid! And it was always in the center, which made it harder to get the chocolate/vanilla combo! Well, I know what I'm doing with my next pint of strawberries. I loooooved DL's strawberry ice cream, but just can't eat that too often, so the strawberry frozen yogurt will be perfect!

  12. ciao ! Strawberry is the first choice for us ! Yours looks so delicious ! I'm glad your computer is back mine is still on and off !

  13. I made this last week, and we ate it all in one sitting... duh! No wonder.

    I was floored by how such a simple recipe can turn out to be soooo fantastic!

    Yours look just as perfect!
