
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sweet Melissa's Lemon Icebox Cake

This week's Sweet Melissa Sundays assignment is Lemon Icebox Cake. I don't think I'd ever eaten icebox cake before, and after making - and tasting - this one, I can say it won't be my last!

n.o.e.'s notes:

- Jennifer of Keep Passing the Open Windows chose this recipe, and you can find the recipe on her post.

- If I were to stop and think about it, I'd be scared of this recipe, seeing as it involves separating half a dozen eggs and making a custard with the yolks and a meringue with the whites. Although I can usually handle egg separating, neither custard nor meringue has become second nature to me, and both are fraught with potential pitfalls. Luckily, with this cake everything came together quite nicely.

stiff peaks + glossy whites = meringue
- The meringue began to brown very quickly in the oven, so I tented it with some foil so it could cook for the prescribed time without getting too brown.

Ready for the deep freeze!
- I thought it was funny that the directions say to remove the springform cake bottom by inverting the cake onto a plate. No way this one could be inverted with that meringue topping on it! I slid a spatula between the crust and the metal disk, and pushed the cake onto the serving plate. The bottom crust is quite sturdy so that worked well.

You did notice the Wild Strawberry plate, right?
the verdict:

I brought this to a neighborhood dinner party. Everybody seemed to like it - nearly as much as the gooey box brownies that were the other dessert there. My husband loved the cake (even more than the lemon tarts that will be posted on Tuesday!)

This cake is light an fluffy and so cool - the perfect refreshing summer dessert. I really enjoyed the lemon + meringue + crust flavors together. Although the strawberry sauce was fine, it seemed to overpower the soft cake.

best version?

This icebox cake reminded me strongly of lemon meringue pie, only better. My husband would likely say this is the best lemon dessert I've ever made.


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you!

    My dad loved this dessert too - I actually think it's better than lemon meringue pie - much more refreshing and unique!

  2. Wow, that looks gorgeous! Love the swirl of meringue. I've never made an icebox cake, but this one sounds like a winner.

  3. This looks beautiful! I've never made an icebox cake either, but it looks like something I definitely need to try.

  4. looks delicious.very good.

  5. Happy Mother's Day!

    Glad the dessert was received so well. It looks fantastic!

  6. I so agree, this recipe was great and will definately make again; DH really liked it, so that says it all!!! Y.our cake is beautiful

  7. "I thought it was funny that the directions say to remove the springform cake bottom by inverting the cake onto a plate."

    I guess cookbook editors have bad days too when they miss obvious mistakes like that.

    Congrats on yet another really good recipe!

    Casual Kitchen

  8. Very nice looking cake. Im gald you liked it too! Happy Mothers day!

  9. Happy Mother's Day!! I never knew what an icebox cake was. This looks like a lovely and refreshing treat!

  10. I never made a lemon dessert before and this one is the best! Great looking cake!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  11. It's absolutely beautiful, so if it tastes half as good as it looks...I'm not going to be able to make the tart so I'm looking forward to vicarious tasts (I love lemon desserts...)

    Happy Mother's Day!

  12. "I thought it was funny that the directions say to remove the springform cake bottom by inverting the cake onto a plate. No way this one could be inverted with that meringue topping on it! " <--- I thought the same thing! Why would we crush that gorgeous meringue topping for no reason?? Mine slide off super easy, no inversion necessary! :)

  13. Wow, as I am making the rounds today, I am feeling really bummed I didn't try to make this lactose free and keep it for us (after clearing out the freezer). But now I know it's one to make up for sure. Your cake looks terrific.

  14. Ciao Nancy ! Don't tell me this is so good or I'll have a new dessert to make !! It looks really a work of art !!

  15. Best lemon dessert, that's high praise! I like your shot of the pre-baked meringue; I always am worried that I will over or under mix it.

  16. Beautiful Nancy! Simply beautiful!

    Bummer though... I should have gotten that piece with the curly cue on top! (Sob).

  17. It does look wonderful, and what pretty plates!

  18. I'm glad your husband liked it so much. Mine did, too, and on Saturday night actually ate the rest of it. BEFORE Mother's Day! I could have killed him! Luckily he offered to make a replacement and did, early Sunday morning.

  19. Your cake looks awesome! I hope your Mother's Day was wonderful! Now you've reminded me I need to go finish my lemon tarts for tomorrow!

  20. It is GORGEOUS! That last photo needs to be in the recipe book! Sounds like your hubby will be requesting that for a looong time!

  21. Looks beautiful! The meringue is perfect- I'm so glad you didn't invert it!!
    I've never made an icebox cake before... now I'm intrigued!

  22. Remove springform bottom by inverting the pan? Doesn't that completely defeat the purpose of a springform pan? Glad you found a better way! This cake looks incredible! All of that egg work would be stressful for me, but it looks like you handled it like the egg whipping veteran that you are, and your end result is perfect!

  23. Your icebox cake looks gorgeous! I love the swirl on the meringue. I hope your Mother's Day was a good one!

  24. Your cake should be used as the illustration for the book because it looks amazing. Look at te swirl - PERFECTION.

  25. Your meringue is so pretty! I had the same thought when I read that you were supposed to invert the cake and remove the bottom of the pan! Really nice job!

  26. Your cake looks wonderful Nancy! So glad you guys liked it. I've never made an icebox cake either and I'm bummed that I had to skip this week. I'm definitely going to make this one later this summer.

  27. First I love your strawberry plate, but just noticed your green gingham one posted last, and LOVE that one. I love all things gingham. Cute.
    Second, yours is only the second SMS Lemon Ice Box cake I've seen (man, I wish there was more time to browse all the yummy sites out there!), and I have to say, especially after the TWD tart, the ice box cake sure look yummy. Yummy!

  28. Oh, decisions decisions! What to do, lemon tart, or lemon cake? They both sound divine, and your pictures are just gorgeous. -e

  29. I had no idea what icebox cake looked like ...until now. This is going to go on my must make list.

    Such a pretty cake!

  30. Hi Nancy - I bookmarked this recipe - you made this look so perfect AND I have lemons to use up! As well as a bunch of eggs. Is this something that can be made ahead and kept in the icebox - or is it just "serve it cold" icebox.... just trying to plan my week. It really looks fantastic, just right for this time of year!
