
Sunday, May 3, 2009

A New Baby Sister for The Dogs Eat the Crumbs

I've been struggling bloggily for the past several months; the crux of the problem is that my cooking, baking, and photographing is outpacing my rate of posting to this blog. My "drafts" folder has never been empty, but it has grown rapidly in this calendar year. At the moment it has in excess of 50 posts.

The biggest contributor to this posting deficit is my newfound interest in yeast baking January. For the past couple of months I've considered various options that would suit my energy, available time, and rudimentary computer ability, finally settling on the idea of establishing a separate yeast/bread blog. During an eventful baking session back in March, my daughter made a comment, "The loaf that the bakers rejected has become the corner loaf," a riff on language from Psalm 118. This gave me a blog name I like (and a banner image - the rejected loaf).

I set up the new blog a month ago, and continued pondering. Do I really want a new blog? And when? And how will The Dogs Eat the Crumbs react to having a new baby sister? All the while I edged closer and closer to taking the blog public, as the post backlog never diminished. In fact I found myself not wanting to try new recipes, afraid that I'd never get to post them. This weekend I finally decided to go ahead with the new blog. When I heard Psalm 118 at church this morning, I figured that today would be the day for the launch.

Here she is:


  1. Well, I'm glad to see you've taken the plunge into double blogging. No doubt you've got the talent, so this should be a piece of cake (bread?) for you!

    I've got it set up in my reader, so I can't wait to see what you post first!

    Hey, I've got the brownies, you've got the bread - who and what else can we get?

  2. Congrats on your new blog, I'm off to check it out!!

  3. I love your header for your new blog! It sounds like it all came together just right. I also have a zillion posts in my draft file!

  4. Dear Nancy Complimenti ! I'm going to check it right away !!

  5. I love the banner for the new blog, it's just great!

  6. As a big sister myself, I'm sure it will behave impeccably! :) Congratulations - only more for us to look forward to.

    (Oh, by the way, I wanted to tell you that you were spot on about the baking is baking-soda-needs-acid, not acid-needs-baking-soda! :)

  7. YAY! How exciting! I can't wait to follow your adventures in bread/yeast!

  8. How cool! Good for you. I'll check it out.

  9. How fun! I am going to go over and check out the new blog. I am sure I will love it.

  10. I love it!! What a great story behind the name, too.

  11. That's wonderful!! Good luck! I've added you to my reader, too!

  12. Good luck. I have the opposite problem. I make new things all of the time and never even think to blog or post about them. In fact, I have made two recipes you posted: the KAF honey oatmeal bread - (a little too butter tasting for me) and the cooking light pasta with vodka sauce - yum. I keep thinking I will blog more but...I think I will just check out your new one.

  13. New blog looks great. Look forward to visiting often. You rule!!
