
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

An Open Letter from the Doggies

Dear Blog Readers,

Let us start by introducing ourselves: we are The Dogs That Eat the Crumbs, and we're writing to say that our intrepid owner, Nancy, seems to be extraordinarily busy right now. She's been muttering something about deadlines from now through November 17, and far too much to do and far too few hours available. We think she's right, because our belly-rub quota is barely being met. So you, readers, are also bound to be neglected.

We can tell you that before she got buried in work Nancy cooked lots of recipes, and took lots (and lots) of photos, but you are unlikely to see blog posts about most of them any time soon. She says something about a "backlog" and "no time for baking Kuglehopf, darn it" (whatever that means).

So to fill the blogging void around here, we, the real stars of this blog, will have a surprise or two for you. Look for one in the near future...

The Doggies

p.s. We don't get nearly enough crumbs, and we are working on that also. Anything you can do to help, we'd appreciate.


  1. Be good to your mamma, you know she loves you. You're so sweet to help her with her blog. I bet you earn some treats for all your hard work.

  2. Doggies, you are very cute. Don't tell Nancy I told you, but you might want to look in the freezer. Just make sure you nuzzle it open before Book Club.

  3. Dear Nancy's doggies,
    Tell your mama that she'll be missed and I hope she doesn't work too hard. All work and no play makes Nancy a dull girl. ;)
    Many belly rubs and nose scratches,
    PS. You should do what my bunnies do to get crumbs. When I am preparing their dinner, they follow me into the kitchen, lay directly behind me so I trip and drop the lettuce bag on the ground. Sneaky little buggers!

  4. Awwww... what sweet puppies to help out your mama! I hope she can get some relax time soon!

  5. Ciao !You are so beautiful ! Somewhere I found a recipe for dog biscuit maybe I can send them to you !! Ciao Nancy see you soon !

  6. Good to hear from you, doggies! You sure look like a couple of sweet little pups. Hang in there -- let your mama get through her busy stretch, and I am sure that it will be back to belly-rubbing aplenty before you know it! As for the crumbs, you are welcome to visit my house, where you will find not only crumbs, but actual large chunks of food on the floor. The only caveat is that you'll have to fight my one year old for them, and she bites.

  7. Audrey, speaking as a member of the Book Club, I ask you to please keep your suggestions to yourself! Then again, they are really sweet pups so maybe they could just take a few things from the freezer but leave enough for us??

  8. Look at your gorgeous little aussies! I have a blue merle myself.. she just turned two last Wednesday! Mischievous little dogs, but soooo brilliant and loving!

  9. We are very glad to hear from all of you!

    Audrey, you made a great suggestion, but unfortunately Nancy keeps the good stuff like rugelach in the downstairs fridge with the top freezer. The things at nose-level tend to be veggies.

    cb, we are willing to implement the 'tripping hazard', but luckily Nancy seems to drop plenty of things even without falling over us! Just today she smashed a bottle of beer on the floor. She shooed us out of there pretty fast, so we didn't get a sample, however. We're not afraid of a little broken glass.

    We LOVE dog biscuits, Natalia! Maybe if the recipe comes from you, Nancy might bake us some. The last time she made us homemade treats, it involved pureeing raw liver in the blender. And the smell filled the whole house for hours. We loved those biscuits, but have no idea why she never made them again...

    Well, Cathy, isn't there ALWAYS a caveat in a 2-lawyer household? There certainly are some around here. We'd love to take the challenge of your floor - it sounds quite rewarding. We've taken a hamburger out of a baby's hand, and a sandwich off the plate of a full grown adult, and have never yet had to resort to brute force. We're thinking 'divide and conquer' with your one year old.

    And, Ms. "a" - it seems like a vast quantity of baked goods leave for this place called Book Club, but very little comes back. It happened with the rugelach just last evening. And that stuff looked GOOD. Did we get a taste? Nooooo.

    Teanna, we remember those glory days of being 2 (we're 11 and 12). And I'm not sure why you'd say Aussies are mischievous. We think we're quite mature and responsible. Why just this morning, when we got loose through the gate a workman left open, one of us returned home after finding a bone to chew and the other just checked out the neighborhood for awhile and then returned home to our front porch all by herself. Nancy did look pretty relieved; maybe that's why she dropped that bottle of beer on the floor when she was putting away groceries?

    - the Doggies

  10. Hey fellas,

    Dugus the pie thief here.

    You've got my sympathy. I'm on the wagon too. We're spending time in Florida and there's nothing in the pantry that is even close to a chocolate chip let alone a kugelhof pan. We did find a Whole Foods but I had to wait in the car! What the #/$@*!! I don't mind organic. Crumbs is crumbs.

    Respectfully paws,

