
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall Haul!!

Now I have proof that Fall is here! Well, not "here" exactly, because "here" it's an unseasonable 85 degrees and sunny. But the apple section at Whole Foods confirmed to me that it is indeed that wonderful time of year. There, in between the Gala and the Granny Smith, were Macoun apples and I bought about 15 pounds of them! This is just the best apple in the world, a New York State cross between Mackintosh and Jersey Black. Last year my book group did an apple taste test, and these won, the hands down favorite with everyone.

I buy as many as I can each fall, and keep them in the basement fridge. I've even been known to order box-loads from a New York orchard, but that can be tricky. The period of availability is very short, and the apples have to be shipped before New York experiences freezing temps, as they can't be mailed after that.

Luckily I've been able to find them at Whole Foods. Each fall for a limited time. So I'll be eating one of these every day, and maybe sparing a few for cooking also.


  1. Ciao Nancy ! You describe them so well I envy (?) you ! You made me curious also about your book club can you tell me what is it about ? (I love reading) grazie natalia

  2. Fall is arriving here tomorrow, apparently! (But Whole Foods not till next year. Sigh.) I was already planning to bake something with apples this weekend... Honeycrisp seems to be the local specialty here. I enjoy trying different kinds.

  3. I'll have to look for those apples. I don't know if we get them in California. Oh well--I'm stopping by the farmers' market on the way home from work today. I'll see what kind they have.

  4. Gorgeous looking apples. Glad you got a bunch!

  5. They look they're dog-approved, so they must be good! I love apples in any form. We're supposed to be getting a Whole Foods in our area, so I will look for these apples when the store opens.

  6. Ooh, yum. I love apples. I'm not sure if I've tried macoun, but macintosh is my favorite. When I was in PA last month, I got my grandmother to bring me some down from upstate NY. They're all gone now. =( I'll have to look at Central Market for the macouns and see what I think. =)

  7. I grew up on Mackintosh apples. The Macouns have similar very white flesh, but are crisper and juicier. But just as sweet. I think they're a little softer than a Honeycrisp, and maybe a bit stronger flavor.

    Natalia, my book club (called by some of the other members a 'study group') is a group of 4 couples. We meet two Thursdays a month and read/study various religious/spiritual works. We started about 3 years ago, and our first book was Augustine's Confessions. At the moment we're working our way through Dante's Divine Comedy - we're halfway through Purgatorio. (It took us 9 months to read Inferno.) I used to be in a more conventional women's book group, but I'm enjoying this one because I can do it with my husband, and it really challenges me. Plus we have lots of great desserts (and coffee)!

  8. Thanks for answering Natalia's question - I had the very same one. Your book club sounds like it's a great experience for everyone. Having the husbands there is an interesting twist. Nice apples by the way. How long do they keep in the fridge?

  9. Mmm, lucky you! I will have to keep my eye out for macouns.

    I love this time of year when we can examine and try all of the varieties.

  10. I didn't know apples could keep so well. I can't wait to see what you make with them!
