
Sunday, September 21, 2008

A shot in the arm!

Thanks, Matt, for the blog award. I'll take an "E" for excellent any day, especially from a teacher! I enjoy reading Matt's blog, Matt's Kitchen, and have bookmarked a bunch of his posts for future cooking ideas. So it's cool to receive an award from him. Plus, he's put me in some pretty lofty company!

{update Sept 22: I've just heard from Michelle of Flourchild, and she's given me this award also! Thanks, Michelle and Matt!}

I've read the rules*, and am passing this award to:

1. and 2. - The first two blogs I am giving the award to are those of my two daughters, J.D.E. and A.L.E. Their blogs are private to friends and family only, so I won't post the links. I will say that both of these young ladies are clever and insightful as well as being true wordsmiths. Their posts are the highlights of my day!

3. Audrey of food from books. This blog is new and already makes for wonderful reading. Audrey is a literate and curious cook. Her pictures are simple and strong - love the b&w!

4. Barbara of Bungalow Barbara. I enjoy Barbara's cooking posts because she is precise and knowledgeable, and very inquisitive. She will explore alternate methods and ingredients, and is always happy to share her knowledge with the TWD group through the p&q post for each week's recipe.

5. Di of Di's Kitchen Notebook. Di is a dedicated blogger (she completed a TWD challenge while out of town for her sister's wedding!) and makes a delicious assortment of beautifully presented food. Love the notebook and love the blog.

6. Deb of Coffee, Cake & Chocolate. This is a non-TWD blog (the net widens!) that is absolutely stunning. This Kiwi cook makes gorgeous food and makes food look gorgeous. I want to sample everything on her blog!

7. Carol of Mix, Mix, Stir, Stir. Luscious baked goods and really helpful cooking posts are Carol's stock in trade. The photos on her blog are showstopping-ly beautiful and her writing is clear and informative.

8. Lindsey of Cafe Johnsonia. Lindsey's blog promises "COOKING*BAKING*TIPS*TUTORIALS*PRETTY THINGS FOR THE KITCHEN," and boy, does it deliver. What's especially cool about this blog is Lindsey's wonderful step-by-step photos of her recipes in progress.

Honorable Mention: Cathy of The Tortefeasor. I love Cathy's blog, which she began when she joined Tuesdays With Dorie (and quickly added The Barefoot Blogger cooking event). I'm excited to see that she's gotten bitten by the bug, and has actually posted about some non-challenge cooking! Thus Cathy's lucky readers get to enjoy even more entertaining writing and enticing pictures. I know that Cathy has already received this award from Laura, so here's an honorable mention. Cathy, you can just consider this a doubly-deserved award!

* The rules suggest passing this award to 10 blogs. But I won't care if you pass it to a few, to many, or to none at all. Basically, it's a compliment from my blog to your blog. If you do pass on the award, post about the blogs you picked, linking back to me and to them. Once you’ve posted, return here to let me know your post is up, and of course let your award winners know too. Some of you don't post awards in your sidebars; that's fine by me.


  1. Thank you--that's very sweet of you. =) I'll let you know who I pass it on to.

  2. Thank you, Nancy! You were my very first visitor, and I am so grateful for the encouragement then and now. See you when the dimply plum cake comes out of the oven.

  3. Me again. I have shared my Emmy with Steph at Obsessed with Baking (we like that in people!) and Celine at La Petite Cuisine (where I practice my high school French). Thanks again.

  4. You are so sweet!! I am honored and thank you!

  5. Nancy! Thank you so much for thinking of my blog. This is such an honor and a wonderful surprise! When I first started doing this, I never could have imagined how much I would enjoy it. Part of what makes it so much fun is enjoying the many great posts from, and exchanging feedback with, blogger friends like you. Thank you again -- I will come back to let you know who I pass the award to!

  6. Nancy, Thanks so much for including me in your picks of blogs to honor. I am new to blogging and find it thrilling that people have enjoyed reading my posts. I will pass it on to others! Thanks again.
