
Saturday, September 6, 2008


Today I looked in my fridge and discovered three well-chilled cookie dough mounds. Last week when I was making cookies, I had a tiny bit of dough left over from my Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chipsters and a little from my "still-in-experimental-stages" oatmeal cookies. I'd kneaded the two doughs together and stuck the mixture in the fridge. So today I popped them in the oven.

The Verdict:
I'll have to say, these are fantastic cookies! A slight hint of peanut butter and lots of oat-y goodness. No fruit, chips or nuts, just chewy oatmeal.

What's that you say about "three?" Well, I had to sample one, didn't I?

My husband enjoyed the cookies with his favorite ice cream - rum raisin - while he caught up on the weekend papers.

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