
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

{TWD} Let there be Peace on Earth ...and let it begin with cookies!

We sang two songs at my eighth grade graduation: "Let There Be Peace On Earth" (and let it begin with me) and "I Believe" (for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows...) From that day I've always had a soft spot in my heart for both, but I must say that my husband does not. As a plebe at the Naval Academy, each time he started a sentence with the words "I believe," an upperclass midshipman would make him sing the song! Come to think of it I wonder if we may have been singing the song at the exact same time, since he was a plebe the same year I was in eighth grade.

I have to say that when I saw the recipe for World Peace Cookies was the chosen TWD recipe for this week, I was thrilled. Not the "Oh, boy I've been waiting to bake these and now they've been chosen" thrilled, but the "Oh, my, I'm busier than I've been in a long while, and I've already baked these, and I already have a draft post in the works" thrilled! And when I say "I've already baked these," I mean that these cookies have been baked in my kitchen - several times - mostly by my daughters, but that I had the presence of mind to photograph them with my camera. In fact, it was daughter J.D.E. who found the recipe for us; you can see her cooking World Peace cookies in the picture over there in the right sidebar.

There's a reason that we've baked these so many times, and once you try this recipe (which you can find on page 138-139 of Dorie's book Baking From My Home to Yours. or on Jessica of cookbookhabit's blog post) you too will no doubt add these cookies to your repeat list.

cook's notes:

This will likely go on record as my shortest TWD post. We've followed the recipe precisely to the letter each time. One time the cookies spread, and I think it's because the girls were horsing around while they were slicing cookies from the logs and putting them on the cookie sheets, and the cookies sat around for a few extra minutes and got a bit warm. If you have similar goings-on in your kitchen, I'd recommend that you re-chill the cut cookies before baking them. They really are nifty when they retain that fat sliced-slab-of-cookie shape.

the verdict:

These are the best chocolate cookie I've ever eaten (much less baked). I usually like my cookies soft and chewy, but these are more sandy in texture. But still chewy! The salt is a great addition to the recipe. Luckily they are easy to whip up, and you could even keep a log of cookie dough in the freezer for later baking.

We've brought these cookies to several parties and gatherings, and they have always been a huge hit with everyone. One group calls them "the salty cookies" and another calls them "those peace cookies." No matter which other cookies I show up with now, I know that secretly (or not-so-secretly) people really are wishing I'd brought World Peace cookies.

And now that I'm writing this post and looking at my pictures of World Peace Cookies, I'm really wishing I had one to eat right about now. That would be the beginning of Peace. Right here with Me.

I Believe...


  1. Glad to hear you have made these so many times and were able to post! They look great! We loved these as well.

  2. Your cookies look great. Now that I finally made them, I know what all the fuss is about. I'm definitely making them again.

  3. I will certainly be making these again, too! I love that your whole family is in on the TWD baking!

  4. Oh, not fair that you don't have any to eat right now! Good to know that horsing around can lead to spreading cookies. That's always a danger around here. These are the best chocolate cookies that I have ever eaten as well. And I believe I heard about them from you first!

  5. Ciao ! I was wondering why min had spread ...maybe I waited too long ! Luckily I learned from you and I have a frozen batch with which experiment !!Thank you !

  6. Short, sweet and to the point! And such rave reviews - obviously they are well-liked.

    Bonus points for no math this week!

  7. yeah.. agree , the best chocolate cookies ever !! we loved them too

  8. Oh, my gosh. I referred to the same "Let There Be Peace on Earth" music class song in my post which I've yet to post because my cookies are in the oven as we speak. Just a few hours before I'm off to school... how's that for last minute?

  9. Let this be the moment now, for me to say that your cookies look wonderful...and I was thinking of you when I made them! How cute that they're immortalized in your sidebar! With every breath I take, let this be my solemn vow, to make these cookies and eat these cookies, E-TER-NA-LEEEE...

    PS Yes, I would absolutely love to cook something from the Hay Day book with you!

  10. I love these too! I agree about retaining that fat important for a nice and chewy cookie.

  11. I can't wait to make these again--seeing all these posts today definitely is getting me in the mood to whip up another batch (or two) So perfect are these cookies!

  12. Im glad you love them! They look great!

  13. These were FABULOUS...glad you love them too! Nice job!

  14. Best chocolate sablés ever, that's for sure! I almost always have some of the dough in the freezer for when a craving strikes. Like now... :)

  15. I knew you loved these cookies ahead of time and so I was excited for this week. I waited to make them, chocolate and all, NY"S resolutions and stuff. You know??? Anyway, your rec didn't let us down. They are amazingly delicious. My first try (a double batch), darn I messed up on the flour measurement, easily distracted, I guess and those were like little crisps. Glad I got it right this time. Thanks for stopping by. Off to the gym. I ate cookies last night. :-) Yours are beautiful. Its hard to stop eating them long enough to take a photo, right?

  16. I agree, these are the best! I make them all of the time. My hubby loves them with milk!!

  17. Great looking cookies! Good job.

  18. I love reading your post Nancy. I always learn something as well as get a chuckle or two. My cookies didn't spread. They were good, but they didn't rock my world. I'm still rocking over the granola grabbers. I might have liked them more with pecans in them. I'm a big nut fan. Yours look delicious as always. Great job!

  19. Glad you all enjoyed these so much! I may have to try them again.

  20. These seriously are some fantastic cookies! And now I have that song stuck in my head! Thanks! haha

  21. Ooh yours look wonderful- so chocolate chunky! Great job!

  22. I think these are going to be repeated often around here, too. I'm glad you and your daughters enjoyed making them.

  23. Definitely a great cookie! Love your thick and chunky yours look. I want one right now, too, and actually have some lurking in the kitchen. I promised myself NO cookies today. I froze most of them. Sigh.....

  24. I love these cookies too! They're one of my faves. Yours turned out just great! Well done!

    Lol! I sang those same two songs at my 8th grade graduation, and many times since!

  25. These are definitely on the repeat list. Glad everyone in your family enjoys them!

  26. Great description of the cookies! I think it is neat to have finally made these cookies. I can not believe I did not do it sooner.

  27. I can see why you've made these so many times!! They are fantastic and I'm glad mine weren't the only ones to keep some of their square shape!

  28. I was trying to fall asleep the other night and the song from my 8th grade graduation very randomly popped into my head. How funny that you mentioned your 8th grade graduation songs at the beginning of this post!

    The china is mine. I don't have a full set, I'm just a very spoiled sister. My brother was in England and he sent me a tea service in that pattern. I have the nicest brother. I love the pattern though and I need to start asking for place settings for my birthday and such (I like china a lot but I'm not really at the point where I have occasion to use it. I'd forgotten that I brought it to DC with me because it's carefully packed). Thanks for pointing out that you have the same pattern and the linen tips, I will definitely keep them in mind!

  29. Your cookies look fab! They are a bit sandy, but we liked them too!

  30. They look so moist and dark and good.. I believe I will reach in and grab one!

  31. They looks so rich and chocolaty!! Delicious!

  32. I believe too! Yours look gorgeous. Mine spread some but I cut them a bit thinner - so good tip on re-freezing, although they still taste wonderful thinner!

  33. Your cookies look great! It's good to know that you liked them enough to make them several times...I think they'll be on my "cookie list" too!

  34. My oven broke, so I am cookie-less. Your review, however, is great so I'm looking forward to making these!

  35. Cookies look perfect. We enjoyed them and they will be on our repeat list too.

  36. These are quite good. I think they will become staples in my kitchen as well.

  37. Aren't these just the BEST cookies! Love how easy they are - yours look fantastic. I'm sure everyone will (or already has) enjoyed them!

  38. They look so good with the big chunks of chocolate! I used mini-chips, but I may need to change that next time.

  39. I was so excited to see your cookies as mine looked just like yours. I have been browsing about the blogs and so many others look perfectly round, all the same size and shape, cookie-cutter cookies. Mine were each and every one unique! LOL. Anyway, I feel a bit more successful now that I have seen yours as you are one of the gurus I look to for baking success!

    Oh, and thanks for the fun comment on my post about following the basketball teams...we are from Indiana and it is a state law here that you have to be a basketball fan...LOL...just kidding, but almost!

  40. I love these too - I have made them three times and they are a firm favourite already!

  41. Great post, Nancy! I was lucky to get so many tasty little cookies out of my logs, that's for sure. I love the thick and chunky look of yours. And I love the close up showing the hunk of chocolate! Fabulous job, my friend.

  42. i agree--these cookies are indispensable. i'll definitely be making them for bring-a-treat events:)

  43. these had two things going for them chocolate, and well, chocolate. But wait they were easy too. They are going on my repeat list too. Haven't found anyone yet who DIDN'T like them. Glad you did. Good for you that your daughters like to be in the kitchen.

  44. I so agree with you, best chocolate cookie ever! Well done! :)

  45. I agree that these are great cookies. I'd like to keep some dough in the freezer for any occasion, but I'd have to try and forget about it or I would bake it off at the slightest opportunity!

  46. I am so excited to finally know what everyone has been talking about when they say they love these cookies. It seems like these have been a favorite with lots of people in the group and now I know why! I think these will be in regular rotation at my house as well.

  47. Your cookies look wonderful!! I am wishing I had made these now!

  48. Yours cookies look fantastic. Mine came out flat :( Better luck next time.

    Good job on yours :)

  49. yea, there isn't much to say about the recipe, except how delicious it is! yours look great, i'll have to try them again to see if i can get them to not spread;)

  50. I'm glad you still love them after having made them many times! They look great.

  51. I LOVE that last captures these cookies perfectly! This became my favorite cookie recipe.

  52. Your cookies look so great! I loved them too.

  53. Great photos! These are in heavy rotatation at my house too.

  54. I love the look of your chunky cookies! I definitely want to follow your example and make these many, many times.

  55. These cookies looks so delicious!! Can I have one?

  56. I think its so adorable that your daughters baked while you took pictures. I have a soft spot for reading about families baking together. Glad you all enjoyed the cookies!
    Clara @ iheartfood4thought

  57. You're so organized to have already made these and started writing about them. Sounds so ideal!

  58. these cookies are truly a classic. yours look perfect, and though i can't taste them, i know they're good :) i shouldn't have messed with the recipe! eek!
