
Friday, September 12, 2008

The best of summer

Tonight's dinner featured some of my very favorite summer ingredients: fresh tomatoes and fresh basil. Both homegrown in containers next to our front steps. I had an herb garden in our last house, but it took me 5 or 6 years to get around to planting herbs in this house. I'm so glad I got back to it - there's nothing more fun than to step outside the door with some scissors and snip ingredients for a recipe. Or a garnish.

We have one tomato plant. This, our first tomato, was huge. Isn't it beautiful? I'll have to say, it was the best tomato I've ever eaten.

The brown rice/basil/pine nut salad is a simple recipe from SuperFoods HealthStyle. If you follow that link, you'll see that the recipe calls for stuffing the rice mixture into hollowed out tomatoes. We've done that for dinner parties (and it's fabulous), but for "just us" dinners, I usually spoon the filling next to sliced tomatoes. And I'm a Northerner, so I don't peel my tomatoes. When I first moved here 27 years ago, I was shocked to find out how many people here in the South insist on peeling tomatoes that are going to be sliced or eaten raw.

I served this recipe along with spicy chicken wings leftovers from the freezer. My husband had lemon sorbet for dessert.

The Verdict:
The tomato was "to die for" and the whole meal was just a perfect light summer supper. The tomato recipe is a a great accompaniment to grilled chicken or meat. It can be made ahead, for easy entertaining.


  1. Home grown food is just the best. I refuse to buy shop tomatoes after growing my own. The taste is soooo different.

    I made the World Peace Cookies too.. I am in absolute agreement with you. They are the best cookies I have ever tasted. Thank you for increasing my waistline :-)

  2. I just can't buy tomoatoes from the store. Your monster of a tomato looks sooo good! I'm going to try the basil/brown rice/pine nut salad soon while I still have basil growing. The kids might eat it, but I KNOW I will.
