
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

{TWD} Chocolate Whopper Malted cookies

Oh, Dorie, you are a victim of your own chocolate cookie perfection. We discovered your World Peace Cookies earlier this summer, and they have pretty much spoiled me for other chocolate/chocolate cookies!

We've made numerous batches of World Peace Cookies (recipe online here) and have served them to several gatherings of friends (one group call them "Peace cookies", the other calls them "those salty cookies"). These cookies are amazing! Everybody LOVES them! Why am I waxing eloquent about a cookie that was NOT this week's challenge? Well, it would be no easy task to knock the World Peace Cookies off their chocolate cookie pedestal. And, imo, the Chocolate Malted Whopper Drops were not up to the challenge.

For the recipe I used:
Hershey's Special Dark cocoa powder
Callebaut bittersweet chocolate, chopped
Whoppers (some cut in half, others in quarters)

Preparation notes:
- the dough was VERY sticky
- the cookies puffed up in the oven
- the cookies softened overnight, but I don't know if that's because I covered them too soon (I thought they were fully cooled.)
- the malted milk balls sort of melted and caramelized as they baked. (I thought this was the best part)

The Verdict:
Overall, I'd rate them a VG.

They were very rich, and there was almost too much going on, especially when they were warm. Some of the richness might have come from the Special Dark cocoa powder we used. I liked them better once they cooled (but maybe that's how I feel about most cookies? That seems weird.)

I don't like malt flavor and luckily the malt taste was not very strong in these cookies. It seemed more pronounced when they were warm. If I were making them again, I'd use Nesquik rather than Ovaltine, to reduce the malt factor.

The cookies softened a LOT overnight - maybe I covered them too soon, or shouldn't have put them in two layers (they were separated by parchment)? The next day I let them sit in the air and that firmed them a little, but they were still distressingly soft for me. Of course that didn't stop me from eating them. A lot of them.

I served these as part of a dinner party a couple of weeks ago. When our guests saw them, they were very excited that I'd made "the salty cookies"; I had to break it to them gently that these were not the World Peace cookies. They got over their disappointment fairly quickly. Most everyone seemed to like them. I sent some home with them.

One guest, H, makes a similar cookie with malted milk balls and she said these were better. In fact, she made Dorie's version with her children the next day! Another guest, S, said that nothing can compare to the World Peace cookies. She has bought herself some fleur de sel to make those soon.

I tried making ice cream sandwiches with these cookies (and vanilla/honey ice cream) and I realized that I should have paid more attention when people have said how they did it. In the freezer my ice cream melted out from in between the cookies and made a total disaster. I found one of the sandwiches in the recesses of my freezer this weekend, and it actually was pretty tasty. But not pretty looking.

The bottom line for me:
These are quite acceptable cookies (and I personally polished off what I didn't give away) but ultimately Dorie's World Peace Cookies continue to reign unchallenged in their sublime chocolate perfection. I will be VERY interested to see how the Chocolate Chunkers (next week's challenge) turn out. The recipe seems similar to Dorie's Quintuple Chocolate Brownies, and I loved those.

Thanks to Rachel of Confessions of a Tangerine Tart for hosting this week. Check out her post for the Chocolate Whopper Malted Drops recipe or find it on page 85 of Dorie Greenspan's oh-so-fabulous book, Baking From My Home to Yours. To see how a couple hundred others baked this recipe, visit the TWD blogroll.


  1. I have the Peace Cookies earmarked to make soon. With such high praise and me being such a chocoholic, I bet they are divine. Loved the Choc Chunkers way more than the CMWD so will be interested to see what you think too. :-)

  2. World peace are my favorite - but these were good to me too...I like soft cookies though! Mine did have crunch and chew even though they were soft.

  3. Sorry they didn't knock the World Peace Cookies off their pedestal, Nancy, but wow -- that picture! You sure made them look as good as a cookie could look! I don't like malt flavor either, but agree that it was pretty mild in these cookies. Glad everyone liked them!

  4. as great as it is to find a perfect something, it kind of ruins it for anything else, doesn't it? i haven't tried the peace cookies yet, but now i want to! i was actually disappointed that the malt flavor wasn't very prominent, since i was looking forward to that. (and i guess we'll just stay tuned for next week's cookies....if my husband doesn't like them, they're all going to work with me! my pants are getting too tight!)

  5. I HAVE to make the world peace cookies!!! haha These were good cookies, although not my favourites, but I would make them again. My whoppers went chewie as well. I think they were my favourite part! (Mind you putting them together in pairs with some marshmallow cream was delightful!)

  6. LOVE your header picture! My dog lies in wait while I cook, too. My cookies also got very soft overnight and I also wondered if I should have left them only loosely covered that first night. They were still yummy, of course. Enjoyed your post!

  7. greetings from a rookie TWD blogger!
    Wow, your cookies look awesome!
    I felt the same way about mine--how they got so soft overnight, I wasn't sure if it was b/c of the humidity in the air up in the Northeast Saturday, or if I was a bit too eager to cover them up...Regardless, a great cookie.

    This is just my 2nd week, and you post has just convinced me that besides the next TWD recipe, I must bake the World Peace Cookies next! :)


  8. I am going to have to make those world peace cookies now! Too bad about the ice cream sandwiches not turning out well, they sound like they'd be delicious!

  9. Welp, looks like I'm going to have to make me some World Peace Cookies. Sorry your Malteds paled in comparison, but they look darn good at any rate!

  10. Welp, looks like I'm going to have to make me some World Peace Cookies. Sorry your Malteds paled in comparison, but they look darn good at any rate!

  11. i have yet to make the WP cookies... definitely looking forward to that ;) sorry you were spoiled, but at least you were able to enjoy these a bit! they look great!

  12. You are making me eager to try the world peace cookies.
    Now I have to go look them up.
    Great job on your whoppers, I am sure you will have no problem finding help finishing them off.

  13. I baked off 1/2 dozen last night. Following some of your tips which were really helpful. Used my trigger ice cream scoop to drop those babies on the sheet, froze the rest for a later use. Thought they tasted a lot like brownies. They were good but I'm a fan of dark chocolate....need I say more.

  14. Oooh... another chocolate cookie recipe! I'll have to try it!

  15. You've sold me on those world peace cookies! I have to try them! But your whopper drops look fantastica as well!

  16. Oh, yes, the World Peace Cookies, I remember the first time I made them, they are so good! But these are great too, in a more fudgy, brownie sort of way. Yours look delicious!

  17. I am also looking forward to the Chocolate Chunkers next week! Good job with the Whopper cookies!

  18. I haven't tried the world peace cookies yet but after reading your post, now I have to! And soon!

  19. We made ice cream sandwich cookies out of these and they were really yummy! You should try it again!

  20. Your pictures are gorgeous! I am with you, I do not like the malt flavor but I really want to try the World Peace cookies that you mentioned!

  21. I was going to make my cookies tonight & take them to the office tomorrow. I have malted milk balls - chocolate & white yogurt ones. But maybe I should just make Peace Cookies.
    I found this site for tips on storing cookies:

  22. Wow, you have peaked my interest in these Peace Cookies! I must try them!

  23. 27susans, I'd just go ahead and make the whopper cookies since you have the ingredients. Most people seem to like them pretty well. And that way, when you make the Peace Cookies, you can keep them all to yourself!

    A note about the World Peace Cookies - they are a very different type of cookie from the Whopper ones. The Whopper cookies are soft, cakey (or fudgey if yours turned out that way). The World Peace cookies are a shortbread-type, so more dry. But delicious. Really the only similarity is that they're both chocolate with chocolate chunks. And if I'm going to eat a choc/choc combination, I'd just as soon it be "the salty cookies."

  24. Yours look very chocolately and delicious! I want to try the World Peace Cookies too. Yum!

  25. At least if they weren't your fave the party goers gave it the thumbs up. I can't believe I haven't tried the WP cookies. I've spent hours looking at the recipe and drooling.

  26. I haven't tried Dorie's World Peace cookies, but now you are tempting me. My cookies ended up really soft, but that was before letting them sit overnight, so who knows. That is why I prefer mine from the freezer :)

  27. I know what you mean about pedestal knocking. Because there are so many recipes and so little time, I always tell myself that I'm going to stop looking when I find the perfect (fill in the blank) and work on something else. And yet I have four different "perfect" recipes for blueberry muffins... :)

  28. I need to check these WP cookies out. I like the way your cookies look, quite tasty!

  29. What a rave review for the Peace Cookies?! I haven't made them yet but now I am craving some. Whopper cookies? What's that? haha.
    Clara @ iheartfood4thought

  30. To me, these and the Korova cookies belong in separate classes - the former for after school, the latter for after dinner. But both for eating the dough by itself. Priorities, right?

  31. Passed on the cute award to 10 more bloggers - thanks, it was great fun. Pls. check my blog.

  32. I don't think it is fair to ANY cookie to be compared with the WP cookies. They are just in a league all of their own...:)

  33. I'm kind of surprised that no one has picked the world peace cookies yet.

    I'm with you, I much prefer room temperature cookies to warm cookies. Anyway, nice job!

  34. You are welcome and thanks for mentioning me. So nice to make new friends, being a newbie. Love the help. I enjoy your blog and your photos are great.
    Take care and I'll let you know about the fruit in the PBJ cookies. :-))

  35. Those World Peace Cookies sure are fantastic! Your cookies still look great though!

  36. Your cookies look so lusciously chocolate. I prefer dark chocolate actually, and I can never have too much chocolate. Love the dogs, too!

  37. Great job!! Love your pics!

  38. I have not made the World Peace cookies yet BUT now I am truly intrigued. This was a first for me using malted powder in baking but with the addition of coffee whoppers, I couldn't really taste the malt.
    I love your cookie combination and I know your dinner guest must just love coming over. They even get to take home goodies =D

  39. I agree, these were better after a few days (as opposed to right out of the oven) but I wouldn't say they were my favorite cookies ever. I didn't make the world peace cookies so I'm excited to give them a try, if you think they were much better than these!

  40. These cookies look lovely. I have to try the World Peace Cookies now.

  41. I don't know if anything can compare to the World Peace cookies...but it's always good to try and find out! Nice job.

  42. We do love those World Peace cookies. My younger son just made some yesterday for a 4-H project. I agree that these were not nearly as good.

  43. I really need to try these world peace cookies - I've heard so many good things about them! Are they really salty? Would you say they are more of a cookie for grown ups rather than children?

    Anyway, onto the whoppers! They look delicious. And the dough was extremely sticky, wasn't it? I am also looking forward to making the chocolate chunkers. I've never seen such jam-packed cookies before!

  44. Having not yet tried the World Peace cookies, I can't compare, but oh how I loved these cookies!

  45. thanks for the comment you left on my blog! I love your blog, it's so great and your dogs are adorable. I have one myself...she eats all the crumbs too!

  46. Thank you for taking the time to leave me a nice welcoming comment!
    I appreciate!
    Have a nice day,

  47. Your cookies look very nice! I had some difficulties coming up with some of the ingredients, but everything turned out great!!

  48. I missed the World Peace Cookies!! I am running to check out the recipe right now! You picture is fantastic!!

  49. Nickki, I would say that the WP cookies have a more sophisticated flavor - less candy/cakelike and more chocolate shortbread flavor. I've not served them to children, just teens and older, all of whom loved the cookies. If you make them, let me know what you think.

  50. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I was thrilled to see that you're a fellow Aussie parent. Aren't they great? The cookies look lovely and I agree on the VG... I'm not blown away by them, but I certainly wouldn't reject them, either.

  51. Hi, Nancy! Perhaps you were thinking of Amelia Bedielia of Diary from the Last Frontier as another TWD Aussie owner?

  52. I loved how the Whoppers got kind of melted and toasted. Mine were kinda dry the next day, though, unlike yours. They look great. I LOVE that Hershsy's Dark Cocoa.

  53. No, moowiesqrd, it wasn't Amelia Bedelia, but her tri is sure a cutie! Actually, I just remembered that it's teanna of Spork or Foon - in her profile she mentions owning a gorgeous Australian Shepherd (aren't they all, really?). Aussie lovers, unite!

  54. Delightful blog!
    I'm enjoying following along. :)
    A life long Palo Alto native, until just a few years ago, I still have family there.

    Had to comment that I completely agree with you about Dorie's World Peace cookies; they are so good.

  55. I haven't tried the world peace cookies yet, but now I am intrigued :)

  56. Wow, yours look wonderfully chocolatey! Mine stayed soft and a bit sticky, so I froze them between layers of waxed paper. I defrost a few every day and they thaw the same way they went in: soft and sticky, and delicious.

    Of course I'm going to have to try the World Peace cookies now!

  57. I really like the World Peace cookies, too and I look forward to making them again. These cookies were good, just not what I thought they'd be. Still, I had to toss them in the freezer so I wouldn't mindlessly eat them all. :o)

  58. you asked me what i thought of the dough - funny question... i never eat my cookie dough! :P your cookies look great, but with all your talk i am anxious to try the world peace cookies now :)

  59. oops i just realized i answered the dough question from the wrong comment, it was the comment below yours :P sorry about that

  60. I've been wanting to try the World Peace cookies... I thought I did something wrong with these, too. They seemed fine on the rack, but I put them in a tin overnight and they got all soft and sticky. It's nice to know others had the same problem.

  61. i skipped the peace cookies. Guess I'll have to make 'em. Thanks for making my pick!

  62. Mine were soft from the get-go and I really wanted to not like these, but man, they seemed even better the next day, I don't know if the pb just got tastier or what. But I DID want them to be a crispy cookie. I liked these too much, but must refrain from ever baking them again, unless I'm giving every last one away!
    Cute blog with the pictures of your girls in their younger years, etc. Thanks for your comment on my blog!
